Chapter 3 The Door

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I had been with Brother for a month now and sometimes he wouldn't come back for a while. And a lot of the time when he goes out he gets brought back by a strange man, I've only gotten a small look at him once or twice. Brother hates it when I'm near the windows when he's not here but I can't help it I just wanna look outside and see something other than the same rooms I've seen before. But back to Brother... a lot of times when he comes back home he's not happy, and he often makes a mess.

A lot of the time he just watched the TV and drinks the adult grape juice while I clean up. Sometimes when Brother is gone the strange man shows up and knocks on the door shouting for Dream. I'm normally reading on the couch when this happens so I just jump off the couch and hide in my room until he's gone. I know that Brother wouldn't be happy if I opened the door for the man but I did really want to know who he was.

Brother had been gone than longer before and I was starting to worry. I knew he liked to wander in the big white space and sometimes he would be gone for days, but he hadn't been gone for this long before and I was really starting to get worried. I was on the couch reading my book when the strange man started knocking on the door again shouting for Brother. So I decided to be big and open the door. I gently opened the door and saw that the man kind of looked like me and Brother.

The man was silent. "Hi..." I squeaked. It came out meeker than I wanted it too but I was too stunned at the man before me. "Is Dream here?" The man asked. I shook my head no and let him in. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, was this one of the good guys Brother was always talking about? Or did I just accidentally let in one of the bad guys. The man cursed under his breath which I heard and decided to repeat to try out the new word. "Shit!" I chirped. That was fun to say.

The man started to panic and told me not to say that word especially not around Brother. "Why? You said it why can't I?" I asked. The man explained that it was a grown up word and that Brother wouldn't be happy I was using it. I nodded gently, that made sense. "Why are you here? And why are you looking for Brother? Did he do something wrong? If so what was it?" I asked. The man sighed.

"Kid I don't have time for this right now." The man spat. I stopped talking and went back to the couch. "B-Brother is in the white place..." I mention meekly. The man turns to me and I shrink behind the arm of the couch waiting for him to say 'be quiet' or 'not now!' But he didn't say anything. "What's your name." He asked. I sat there in a bit of shock before answering "My name is Moon."

The man nodded and gave a crooked smile. "I'm Error. Nice to meet you Moon." Error said. Error left to go find Brother, when he got back he started to yell at Brother for leaving me alone I was pretending to be asleep so I could listen in. And Error said something that confused me, he said 'If you don't start taking care of that child then I'm going to take him and give him over to Nightmare!' I still wasn't sure what that meant.

But what did make me happy was that Error was coming back! Every week in fact! I was super happy that I would be able to see my new friend every week. Apparently he was going to be there to check on me and see how I'm doing but we would also play. I was pretty happy about that, when the argument calmed down I slowly drifted off to sleep excited that I'm going to see Error every week.

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