Chapter 4 Friend

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Brother had been around a lot more lately, and I loved it! Even though he wasn't around me a lot and he was in his room most of the time I was happy to at least have him home. He had been home for almost an entire month and I was so happy! I'm gonna make him something! Even though he told me not to use the oven I'm sure I can do it!

Brother didn't eat much but he did mention that he liked cake, apparently one of his old friends used to make cakes a lot. I ran to the library to pick out a cool book, I looked through a couple and found the perfect cake. It was called a strawberry supreme! And Brother did say he loved strawberry's so it's perfect! And here I am now, making Brother his cake! He's gonna be so happy!

The batter was almost done but I couldn't tell if the oven was fully heated yet so I slowly opened the door. "How can I see if it's ready?" I muttered to myself. And the brilliant idea struck me, I'm gonna touch the metal rack to see if it is the right temperature! So I gently reached out and grabbed the metal, I stumbled back and screamed, it hurt, why did it hurt!?


Things were absolutely great... I had started to regret bringing Moon in but I can't exactly back down now since he's attached to me... and now with Error threatening to take him away if I don't take better care of him and myself I kind of have to. I had mainly stayed in my room.

I was sure Moon could find something to eat on his own without using the oven. And it had been about a month since I left and I really needed to get out but with Errors random visits that wouldn't be easy. But then I heard it, that deafening scream.

I ran out and into the kitchen where I saw Moon laying on the floor holding his hand and crying. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" I screamed. He started crying more and that's when I took in my surroundings, the oven was open, there was cake batter in the bowl, and one of the cook books I had was open to a page on one of my favorite cakes. "Did you..." I muttered.

"I'm sorry!" He wailed. That snapped me out of it, Moon was still on the ground hurt. I closed the oven and lifted him up and I slowly worked some healing magic into his soul letting his cries subside. "What happened." I demanded gently. He looked at me and I saw the sorrow in his eyes and his pure fear. "Please don't lock me in my room for forever..." he sniffled.

Crap. I had forgotten that I had threatened to lock him in his room forever if he broke any of the rules. "Just tell me what happened and why you were making a cake Moon." I pried. And of course he snapped, telling me how he wanted to make me a cake for staying at home for longer than normal (that hurt Dream more than he thought it would). And he didn't know if the oven was hot enough so he thought that if he touched the metal rack then he could tell how hot it was.

I grabbed a frozen bag of peas and put them on his hand. "Don't take these off no matter what ok Moon? These are gonna help your hand feel better." I said gently. I really needed to make it up to him, sure he may be a mini Nightmare but he thinks I'm his brother and I'm not taking care of him like I should so I'm going to step up by not threatening him about locking him away.

Moon had cried himself to sleep by the time I got him in bed. I need to clean up and make a nice surprise for him when he wakes up.


I woke up to the sound of someone entering my room the wrong way. When I faced them I saw someone I didn't recognize. "Hello who are you?" I asked. The person looked at me and started to crawl back through the window. "W-wait I don't mean any harm please stay! I promise I don't bite!" I pleaded. That seemed to get them to stop and sit on my bed. "Your desperate huh kid?" The stranger asked. I nodded.

"Names PJ, who are you?" The newly named PJ asked. "I'm Moon! My Brother owns this place and he waited for me because I was stuck in stone and now I'm free and he's taking care of me!" I blurt. It felt so good to talk to someone other than the book people, or the people on TV. PJ laughed and noticed the bag of peas on my hand.

"Well well what happened there?" PJ asked. I looked down embarrassed. "I burned myself... I was making a cake for Brother and..." "Touched the metal rack? Been there buddy bet it hurt like hell!" PJ finished. I just mutely nodded and looked down sad. But then PJ showed me his hand, it had all sorts of scars on it and he told me about each one, he was so cool!

Unfortunately PJ had to go home but he promised to see me again soon and I eagerly awaited our next meeting hoping it would be soon. I was settling back into bed when Brother walked in with a gift box and a slice of cake. "Who's that for Brother?" I asked. "It's for you Moon I thought I would get you something to cheer you up after what happened." He admitted.

He handed me the gift and helped me unwrap it, inside was a brand new teddy bear, I hugged him tightly and beamed at Brother. "I love him!" I exclaimed. I hugged Brother and he helped me eat the cake and soon after I fell asleep with my new friend and excitedly waiting for PJ to come back and tell me more about his amazing adventures.

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