Chapter 5 Birthday

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It had been almost a year since I had woken up from stone and Brother first welcomed me back and he made so many changes! First he would let me use the oven, not the big one I got really hurt on but one made for kids like me! And we went out on adventures in dead AU's sometimes too it was a lot of fun. Oh and Mr.Error didn't visit every week but he did visit every month.

But I missed PJ... he was so cool and I missed talking to him... sure he showed up once or twice on big occasions but didn't show up a lot other wise. And Brother said that It was gonna be my birthday soon, I don't really know what a birthday is but from how Brother said it, it sounds fun. And that gave me an idea, I'm gonna lure in PJ with some cake and talk to him again and tell him about my birthday!

On Sunday brother and I make cakes and it's super fun so I took one of those cake slices and put it on the windowsill when I knew Brother was gonna be sleeping. I got in bed and waited, I was good at looking like I was sleeping I knew that for a fact. I totally wasn't drifting off when I heard the window crack open, I shot up rush to the window and jump out of it and into PJ's arms. "PJ!" I shouted.

PJ on the other hand instead of excited just looked surprised and nervous. "PJ! PJ! Are you gonna come to my birthday! It's in a week!" I ask. "I would love to little guy but I can't..." PJ responded. "You're too busy..." I finished. PJ nodded and patted my head gently. "Hey maybe next time buddy?" He said. I just hummed a response and climbed back in through the window. "Come again soon?" I asked through the window. PJ looked guilty in a way before he agreed and left.

I closed the window and crawled back into bed and fell asleep.


"Damnit!" I swear. Moon was the sweetest kid I knew and that was saying a lot since I grew up with Gradient. But Moon was different... he doesn't view the multiverse in the same way I used to and I don't want that to be ruined for him. Seeing his thinly veiled disappointment and sadness at me denying his invitation... it didn't make my soul melt not at the slightest, maybe thaw a little but not much.

I had to tell someone about Moon eventually, but I couldn't right now. Not now. I needed a good gift for him, something that he most likely has never experienced before. And then it hit me, the perfect idea, I knew exactly where I was gonna take him.


I had been careful on not to tell Brother about PJ, I didn't want him to be mad and know about him. I know that Brother doesn't want me to have any contact with the outside multiverse saying that it was evil and tainted. But I couldn't help but think about PJ and how that whole situ... s-situa... situat... situ... thing! With PJ had gone.

Brother didn't really notice my emotions which I was happy about, he never really checked emotions anymore. And as the days trudged on it was soon my birthday. And yeah I had read about them and how they were supposed to be these big celebrations with lots of friends and family with tons of gifts, but it was just me and Brother. Brother took me to a very recently abandoned AU where we got ice cream.

We mainly went around empty AU's just hanging out and doing whatever we could, it was nice. We got home and Brother sung me the song "Happy Birthday", brought out my gift and let me blow out my candles I was officially 9 years old now. Brother put me to bed and went to go watch TV like normal, it was around 10:30. I was supposed to be asleep but I just couldn't something was keeping me up. And then my window opened.

""Kid! Moon! Come on out!" PJ whisper yelled through the open window. I slowly creeped to the open window and saw PJ standing there with a big grin. "Come on out Moon it's time for your birthday gift!" PJ whisper yelled. I hoped through the window and into PJ's arms, he gently set me down and tossed some clothes in my arms and instructed me to get dressed which I did. The clothes fit perfectly.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a surprise kid don't worry about it." PJ replied. He led me through a portal and we ended up in a big, big place with lots of noise. I quickly covered my ears wincing in pain and PJ noticed. He hugged me and rubbed my back like brother would. "It's ok kid, it's ok, the noise will die down in a minute just relax." I nodded as PJ led me over to a bench where I sat down and rested for a moment.

"Haven't been out a lot have ya?" He asked. I shook my head and buried it into his chest, after a while the loud sounds did die down and I looked around, it was so pretty! "So, where do you wanna go first?" PJ asked. I pointed to a random ride, PJ chuckled and led me to the line where we waited to board it. "You sure you wanna do this one bud? This is a pretty extreme roller coaster." PJ asked. I nodded my head vigorously.

"I wanna do this one!" I chirped. Finally we got on and got buckled in, my excitement building as we started moving, but... it was really slow. "PJ? I thought you said that this was ex-" I was cut off as the cart plummeted. Fear welled up inside of me and I screamed for dear life, tears pricking my sockets and threatening to fall. Fast winding motions and sharp turns along with loops made my mind spin, and then it was over.

PJ had to carry me off, I was not proud of that. "How you feeling buddy?" He asked. I gave an unhappy huff and rested my head on his arm. "Hey you chose the ride kid not my fault, but how about we get some food?" He suggested. I followed and he asked what I wanted. "I dunno, I've never been to one of these things before so what do they have?" I asked. He took me to one of the on site restaurants and ordered me some chicken fingers some curly fries and mozzarella sticks.

"Here you go kiddo try this." He said as he handed me the bag. We sat down and started eating. "This is so good!" I said and I ripped another piece off of a chicken tender. "Try the mozzarella sticks before they get cold." He suggested. So I did and everything tasted amazing, I had never had anything like this! I'm pretty sure this is what Brother would consider 'junk food' but I didn't care.

Ride after ride after ride, it was never ending fun! And we were on our way to our next ride when I heard my name being called. "What the..." PJ managed to get out before he was tackled. It was Brother! "Brother stop!" I screamed as I somehow managed to separate them. "Moon! Where have you been! I've been looking for you for hours!" He screamed. "B-but I'm safe! I've been with PJ!" I tried to explain.

He glared at me and I shut up. "We are going home now, and I'm installing locks on your window so he can't get in anymore!" Brother gestured to PJ. He grabbed my arm tightly and began dragging me away. "Stop it! Stop it you're hurting me!" I cried. "Shut up! You are never leaving the house again got it!?" He snarled. "Dream stop it!" I screamed, no reply.

"STOP IT YOU BULLY!" I screeched. That got him to stop, but then he turned his head and glared at me. "Oh I'm the bully? Am I? I've done nothing but take care of your stupid messes since the day you woke up!-" "Brother please-" I tried but he screamed "Nightmare be quiet!" And as those words left his mouth the rage slowly fled from his face as the weight of his words sunk in. "M-Moon I..." he tried. He grip loosened and I stumbled away.

At this point PJ had managed to catch up with us and stood by my side. "So that's why you kept him..." PJ muttered. I didn't understand, who's Nightmare? Why did Brother call me that? What is going on? "W-whos Nightmare?" I asked cautiously. PJ patted my head gently trying to get me to calm down. "I'll tell you later Moon don't worry about it right now ok?" He said gently. "M-Moon come over here I'm your brother! Come home with me please..." Brother coaxed but I refused.

I hugged PJ's leg gently and we dissolved into ink, and we reappeared at my bedroom window. "Let's go in real quick and grab any items you want to take ok? You're not coming back here again unless you want to ok?" He said. I nodded quickly and climbed through the window and PJ quickly followed suit. I took a large bag Brother had got me and began filling it with everything I wanted to take. My teddy bear, my clothes, lots of books, and filled the rest of the space with the few toys I had.

"Ready to go?" PJ asked. I nodded firmly as I grabbed the final item and shoved it into my bag. We just got outside when the bedroom door slammed open and Brother started to run to the window screaming for me not to leave him. PJ took the back quickly, and hugged me close as we dissolved into ink and reappeared in a large wooden box. "Where are we?" I asked. "This is my home, make yourself comfortable you must be exhausted." Pj said. I nodded as laid down on a beanbag chair I slowly let sleep consume me as the last thing I see is PJ putting a blanket over me as I drift off.

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