005. old friends , new grudges

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                                                                   ୭  🧷 ✧ ˚

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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀

I WOKE in the morning to Aryan shaking me, and apparently also kicking Walker to wake him at the same time. As I woke , the events of last night came rushing at me and instantly my excitement for the day had gone. I saw Aryan look slightly worried however, i didn't care. Or atleast I could tell myself I didn't care. Walker's morning voice startled me out of my thoughts , "Aryan, can you stop fucking kicking me?"

My head whipped to him and we made eye contact. I could see slight regret on his face, coupled with fading tear tracks however I willed myself not to do anything. If he didn't want me in his business, he won't have me as anything more than a co-star, just a work day, and same room, but nothing more.

I made my way to the washroom to freshen up as I heard Aryan slightly whisper (not very successfully) , "Bro what happened between you two?" Walker just brushed him off annoyingly. Well at least I wasn't the only one he was being bitchy to.

The car ride... for lack of a better word was just uncomfortable.

[ aryan's pov ]
I have no idea what happened between these two absolute idiots through the night and honestly on second thought I don't even want to know. But they better fucking make up. They squeezed me in the middle of the car ride, and would just give back-answers. Man, I hope they make up soon, otherwise the chemistry between Annabeth and Percy is just going to be possible rivals to horrible enemies.

[ luna's pov ]
I knew me and walker were making Aryan uncomfortable, and while it made me feel bad. I wasn't talking or giving Walker the time of day, unless it was work. As we walked onto the training set, we all greeted Rick. Once again, just like Aryan he gave us both a weird look before mouthing , "you okay?"

I nodded before we walked to where we were supposed to be. And over at the training set with the mats and prop swords and shields, I met the one person who could make me forget Walker.

"CHARLES BUSHNELL." I hugged him tight as he picked me up slightly. Even with a 5 year age different we have been close since , 'The Babysitters Club.' I moved slightly as he greeted Aryan and Walker.

Walker gave me a side look as he greeted Charles (well Charlie actually, but it was an inside joke) I decided to catch up with Charlie later as the training coach had come , today we were in pairs - me and Walker together. And warming up the actions with prop swords. Well, if only if they were real, a different news article about Percy Jackson would be going out.

➤ 30 minutes later !

We had gone full into the actions now. We were both sweating now as we focused on memorizing the choreography. During one of the runs, he struck my sword to the floor as I got distracted. I looked at him in anger, as his eyes flashed with slight anger and boastful victory.

I went to retrieve my prop 'sword' and in the process dabbed up Charlie. Once back on the mat, Walker decided to start conversation. Bad idea.

"So, like you and Charlie known each other for a long time?" I looked at him in slight shock before putting my focus on the routine again as I answered back, "Why? I thought we were both minding our own business, aren't we Walker?"

Walker looked with his face in slight annoyance as he rolled his eyes at my reply. I looked at him again and he gave me the typical , 'fuck you' look. In retaliation I flipped him off, quite effective too, as conversation stopped.

➤ after training , before lunch !

I met up with Charlie again and we decided to leave set for a while. As we were exiting, Walker and Aryan were behind us as Walker yelled out, "Yo Charlie, what's up?" God, I really didn't want to deal with his annoying ass now.

Charlie turned around and said in normal Charlie manner , "just going out for lunch with Luna. You coming?" I vehemently shook my head at Charlie motioning for him to call the invite back.

Walker had reached us by now and 'smartly' replied to Charlie, "I don't think your friend here would like that." Charlie looked confusedly between the two of us and Aryan just standing there in the middle clearly annoyed with our antics.

i groan softly pleading desperately to Charlie with my eyes. He finally gave up "sorry there's just something I need to talk with lunes about" walker's face contorts "lunes?" I turn towards him "yeah , see you" I spin and walk out letting out a exasperated sigh leaving a pissed off walker and poor Aryan behind me.

Charlie quickly follows "Luna wait!" I hiss at him "just hurry up" he winces and unlocks the car and I quickly get in the passenger putting on my seatbelt. he does the same pulling out of the parking lot. "So where did you want to go?" I think contently "some shake shack wouldn't hurt , if we can find it" he nods Looking for the pin of the closest one on his phone before driving us there.

We get there and I quickly hop out of the car "I'm so hungry!" "Me too lunes" even my face falls flat now , why is he calling me the nickname Walker made for me.. no the question is why am I getting mad about it , it's a bloody nickname that anyone can call me , hell it's the easiest one.

I brush it off and walk in , i order food and so does charlie, i offer to pay but instead I get a shove and I slightly trip over to the side. he quickly taps his card and I gasp. "Charlie you big meanie" he chuckles , "shut up" we both are now walking to a table with our food in tow.

As we sit at the table Charlie decides to strike up conversation, "So... what's up between you and that Walker guy?" I shrug softly trying to brush off the experiences of last night as well as trying to push away the slight feelings that had developed when I was trying to comfort him. "nothing much... just costars" charlie's face transformed to a confused one.

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed now. Me and Walker were just costards and that was the end of it. Finally, Charlie decided to share his opinions as he slowly said, "I just thought it was more than that. I talked to Aryan earlier and he said you guys were close until this morning."

I don't know why but at the mention of us 'being close' brought slight tears to my eyes as I once again just shrugged it off and said, "just some things changed that's all. But I have you now, and we are going to have a lot of fun."
And that changed the conversation to a slightly lighter mode as Charlie told me about his past crazy 'Charlie experiences.

➤ end of the day , back at the hotel !

[ walker's pov]
God. This day was just horrible and not just because almost every part of my body ached after the first day of training. But everytime I looked at Luna I felt a horrible pit of guilt and pain in my gut. God, why did I say those things to her? I tried making small talk but it was evident she didn't like me. Wonderful. Just wonderful Walker. You made the one person who you felt comfortable around dislike you. Just fucking wonderful. Save me, God. Please save me.

ari speaks! ˚୨୧˚
woo we stan angst 🤗 , no because my own characters are pissing me off like stfu and kiss already iykwim! but please vote and I really hope you are enjoying the story < 3 I hope everyone reading this has a good day/night , take care of your self and don't skip any meals !!

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