006. injury and pride

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TODAY WE were practicing the Percy and Annabeth water scene. I was slightly nervous for the underwater ( tunnel of love ) scene (especially with Walker) and I would have really liked some Walker comfort. No. No walker comfort. It will be fine. We will both be fine. That's the end of it. Just costars.

[ walker's pov ]
Today's the water stunt practice. I was nervous and I could tell Luna was too But I was scared to go comfort her since our last two conversations involved her either getting mad at me or just leaving the conversation. And to be honest it's not like I don't deserve it.

➤ arriving at set !

The car ride was uncomfortable, but well...that's to be expected.  Once again, I deserve it.

# water stunt !!
We were prepared and harnessed in. But the nerves weren't going away. Luna looked equally nervous next to me, and that scared me , Luna was braver than me. If she was scared I was done for.

We both looked at each other and made slight eye contact. I don't know where the little bout of courage came from but I blurted, "you are going to be fine you know. I have a feeling."

She looked at me in slight shock before slightly smiling. My stomach clenched, as I remembered the full smiles and happiness she used to have around me. Well a slight smile is better than hatred... I guess.

[ luna's pov ]
I was scared to go underwater but Walker's slight comment comforted me. I just wish things went back to normal, but I couldn't remove what he said to me out of my head.

Okay... going underwater
So far, so good.

Me and walker did the actions we were supposed to, and got comfortable, well as comfortable as we could be, with some slight tension between us.  Soon they motioned to pick us up from the water using the harness.

As we both rose, something about Walker's harness looked off and just as I was about to point it out, the harness broke and Walker fell straight into the pool.

I yelled in shock as crew members rushed towards him and the rest rushed to get me out of the harness. They were saying something but I couldn't hear, my heart was beating too loudly to hear. I made my way to the edge of the pool as I saw them pull Walker out. He looked pale. Oh, god no.. he looked pale.

A medic came on set as Walker slightly moved. I crouched next to him with the medic on his right. The medic was testing his wrist and I could tell he was in pain as the medic poked and prodded, I motioned his face toward me as my hand subconsciously went to his cheek.

Right then, I knew that I had to fuck my fear off and focus more on comforting him. I started whispering sweet nothings and silly chicken jokes as his face contorted in a slight smile, the medic announced, "he needs to be taken to the hospital." Walker's face whipped and I saw the fear in his beautiful eyes. No. Fear in his eyes. Just eyes.

I once again motioned my face towards him, and told him, "hey walkie, it's going to be alright..trust me."
He slightly nodded. Well at least one of us was comforted. My heart was still beating too fast for my chest, but that will have to wait. Walker's important now.

As the medics got him into the ambulance, I was asked to stay behind by the stunt coordinator. I was about to protest but i saw sense, even if I didn't want to. Me getting hypothermia wouldn't help anybody.

[ walker's pov ]
Ow..Ow..owww.. ohh
I was in pain. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Now if Luna didn't just hate me the entire cast will. Cause I was just that dumb. I felt tears come to my eyes as there was a medic on my right and she continued hurting me. Wow, the medic really didn't like me.
But I felt Luna's hand on my cheek and instantly there was some comfort. I couldn't tell what she was saying but she made me feel much better. I felt better with her.

Being loaded onto the ambulance I realized Luna wasn't there. "Wait.. what about Luna?" My voice sounded broken and filled with tears but I didn't care. Rick and the director looked at me with concern then at each other before the director replied, "uhm... she isn't coming but we will make sure she visits you later."

My brain processed it, but slowly and I wanted her. I needed her. She made me feel comfortable around all these people. And why didn't she want to come. Maybe she's just annoyed with you. Taking pity you know. Who would spend more time than necessary with you anyway, my brain screamed at me. I wanted to will it away but maybe it was right. She was just taking pity on me again. Why would she want to be friends anyway after what I said to her.

The rest of the ambulance and hospital was a whirlwind. But I do remember needing to sleep on the soft hospital bed and someone was saying something in worry. Maybe Luna. No I needed to get her out of my head. She doesn't like you. She doesn't even want you as a friend. And that's my last thought as I passed out from the day's exhaustion.

➤ next day , at the hospital !

I woke slowly. My eyelids felt heavy and my body still ached slightly. But looking around me the thoughts of the day before came to my mind , it was still dark outside but the thing that shocked me the most was Luna sitting on a plastic chair A bit away from the bed and sleeping in a position sure to give her some neck pain. A small smile broke upon my face. Maybe she did care after all.

I decided to sit up a bit. Bad idea. I made a small groan and that woke Luna up. Great. Just Great.

[ luna's pov ]
I awoke with a start. My god did my neck hurt. But as I looked forward I saw Walker was awake.  I leaned forward, neck pain can go to hell. I leaned forward but caught my self in time, I didn't want to hurt him further and neither did I want to annoy him. I saw a slight frown on Walker, but decided to break the tension by saying , "so, how you feeling?"

"Like I fell from a harness."

My face fell, as that moment replayed in my mind. Walker apologized, "sorry. Too soon." I nodded slightly. But of course, wanting to break the awkward silence I made a slight joke, "so, your comment on Charlie's insta... why'd you delete it?"

Walker had a stricken look on his face before he replied, "just butt texted."

I nodded knowingly before he stated, "you know Charlie's older than you right. You don't need to be so flirty with him."
My face turned into a frown as I saw Walker give me a smirk. I replied, "not funny." "Sure when you do it its funny but when I do it..."

I really lost it then, if he still wanted to show me attitude fine.
Fuck being kind.

"Well, at least I can get a good nights sleep without bothering others." Walker's faced showed hurt, I knew I went too far but he hurt me too. Alas the conversation came to an end as a nurse walked in and the rest of the conversation was shared through hurtful and sharp glances.

ari speaks! ˚୨୧˚
the angst will never go away pookies 🤗 , no but seriously they're tripping so hard it's funny af. pls do vote for this book if ur enjoying it so far !! ALSO BTW TODAY I FOUND OUT I CAN MEET ARYAN SIMHADRI SJSOOXOXKSS IM GOING BERSERK ! I hope everyone reading this has a good day/night , take care of your self and don't skip any meals !!

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