What I Left Behind

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Enjoy! Dedicated to Nancy for reminding me to keep writing! FAN COMMENT SHARE LIKE VOTE

It used to be Jason, Charlotte, Scarlet, Kalie, and I in middle school. We weren't a clique, we had lunch with other people, but at the end of the day, it came down the five of us.  

Scarlet and Charlotte were twins, so they had known each other their whole lives. I had met the Gibbons in preschool, and we've been friends ever since. Kalie and I met in middle school when she sat next to me in homeroom. She seemed nice enough and was pretty funny. I met Jason in photography class. When we all had lunch together, we clicked. 

Then I had a crush on Jason in high school. It was impossible not to, really. He had short dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes surrounded by long eyelashes. He was taller then me too. 

Who should I tell out of us five? Obviously not Jason. Charlotte would get way to excited about it and try to set us up. I decided to tell Scarlet. 

When I did, she sighed heavily and looked to the ceiling. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Nothing...it's just that..." She stopped when Kalie walked up to us. When Kalie left she continued. "I just don't want the five of us to fall apart." 

"Why would we? I don't actually think he will date me." 

"Don't worry," she offered a small smile, "But the cause of almost every conflict involves love." 

I knew Scarlet was at least some way right. But love blinds you. I wanted to tell Kalie, but something was telling me not too. I had a feeling not to trust her, one might say intuition. I also had a feeling that she knew something was up and she would try to find out. Then she took my by surprise. 

"You like Jason, don't you?" I looked up in surprise. 

"How'd you know?" There was no point in denying it. 

"It's obvious." She said with a gleam in her eye. Paranoia started to set in. Did Jason know I liked him? And why was Kalie trying to unnerve me? Did Kalie like Jason as well? I decided not to worry about it. 

I told the twins about the experience. 

"It's like she likes him." I said. Scarlet closed her eyes, thinking. 

"Don't worry about it." Scarlet finally said. 

"We'll stand by you." I smiled in gratitude. 

"I mean I saw this coming..." Scarlet trailed off in thought. Charlotte shot her a warning glance. 

"What's going on?" Something was up with the Gibbons. 

"It's just that...," she glances at Charlotte to confirm what she's about to say, "I don't trust Kalie." 

"Why?" I thought Kalie and Scarlet were friends. 

"Well, recently I reconnected with one of my old friends. Her name was Emily." I knew Emily. She was a nice person, but I only knew her because she occasionally hung out with the Gibbons at the same time I did. "Apparently, she went to school with Kalie. I asked her if they were friends so maybe we could all hang out together." 

"What'd she say?" I asked Scarlet. Scarlet motioned Charlotte to continue and then began to drink water. 

"They were actually enemies." Charlotte said. 

"It all started when Emily liked a boy. I think his name was Kyle, but it doesn't matter. Kyle liked Emily as well, so they dated a while." 

"What about Kalie?" We three were pretty comfortable now in Charlotte's bedroom. Scarlet was at the desk, Charlotte was lying on her bed, and I was lying down on the rug. Storytelling at its finest. 

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