End of Summer

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"Hey Faith." Adrian said, smiling while sliding into the seat next to me. My pulse sped up. "It's nice to see you here."

"Just supporting the Razorbacks." I said nervously.

"They're doing well."

"Yep." What did he want?

"You're a cute girl, do you know that Faith?" I started blushing.

"Ah, well, um, thanks?"

"I like you, Faith."

"I like you too, Adrian." He smiled sadly.

"No, I meant more than a friend."

"Wait what?"

"Oh come on, it isn't early at all." I opened my eyes. Caitlin was in my doorway, arms crossed with a camera around her neck. I sleepily sat up.

"Oh, I was dreaming." I rubbed my eyes. "Sorry."

"What about?"

"I'm not totally sure." I swing my legs off the bed. "Give me a minute." I walk to the bathroom, grabbing a random shirt and shorts. When I come out, Caitlin starts laughing and raises her camera to her eyes.

"Hold that pose." My arms are on my hips.

"Why?" She clicked the camera, taking a picture.

"Because you have a huge tomato stain on that shirt." She was practically rolling on the floor laughing.

"Delete that photo."


After getting some breakfast and changing my shirt, Caitlin and I walked towards downtown. It was towards the end of when Splash Riverway was open, so we didn't have work.

"So, what exactly are we doing?" I asked.


"Why?" she raised her eyebrows.

"You don't know?"

"Well, it isn't like I'm from here or anything..." Caitlin chuckled.

"Sorry, I just assumed Blake told you. But before school, all of us like to throw a little end of summer party."

"I still don't see why we need to go shopping."

"Well, I like new clothes..."

"And Gavin." I interrupted. She punched me in the arm.

"And you know there's always Adrian..." she smirked.

"Not funny."

"Whatever you say Faith."

"So where's Blake?"

"Finalizing things."

"I should have known he hosts them." We were close to the shops, and I realized we were also close to the coffee shop. "Can I invite someone else?" She looked surprised.

"Sure, go ahead." I take her hand and lead her to the coffee shop.

"Who's at the coffee shop?"

"You'll see." I pushed the doors and let the A/C air hit me.

"Fae!" Fae came up from underneath the counter.

"Oh hey Faith, I was just organizing some dishes." She craned her neck. "Isn't that Caitlin?"

"Um, hey Fae." Caitlin raised her hand in a half wave.

"Want to go shopping with us?"

"Sure, let me get my stuff. The shop isn't technically supposed to be open anyway." She disappeared into a back room.

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