Something Fun

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Blake slipped his sunglasses off. We were all working the slide tower again. It was a hot day here at Splash Riverway, and everybody was too lazy to do much.

"We should do something after work." Blake stated.

"Let's do what we usually do." Caitlin sighed, fanning herself.

"What's that? Gorging ourselves on ice cream?" Caitlin rolled her eyes. "That's no way for Faith to become familiar with Riverway." Blake retorted.

"I'm perfectly happy gorging myself on ice cream and doing nothing." I redid one of my braids quickly.

"The only thing that would make us more pitiful is if we were crying over our ex-boyfriends." Ouch. That hit a little to close to home. I hadn't really told Blake and Caitlin about the Jason thing. I just wanted to leave them behind.

"Whats up?" Caitlin noticed my scrunched up face.

"Sun." I waved her away. " So, o wise and social Blake, what do you suggest?" He thought for a moment. 

"Lets go to a Razorback game." He suggested.

"Anything but a baseball game." Caitlin pleaded. 

"I'm up for baseball." Caitlin glared at me. "Why, Caitlin, are you against a little baseball?"

"Preach." Blake muttered. I grinned at the encouragement. 

"And here I was hoping you were artsy." Caitlin pouted. 


"What's in the box?" Caitlin asked. We were in my bedroom, I was reading a magazine, Caitlin was looking at my old stuff.

"Nothing, just old stuff from my hometown."

"Can I look?" 

"Yeah go ahead." The first thing she picked up was my middle school yearbook. She flipped to my page.

"Who are all these people?"

"Scarlet and Charlotte." 

"Twins, huh? Awesome." She set the yearbook next to her. Then she took out a stack of photos. The first few were on a strip from a photo booth, taken on my last day. The next were pictures of us at school. Then she came across another picture.

"Who's this?" I shifted over to see. Oh no, oh no,I thought to myself. as I saw the blond hair, the snarky smile, the gleam in the eyes.


"Friend of yours?"

"Sort of." I trailed off. I remember when the photo was taken, we were all in the park, happy. Caitlin stared at the picture, frowning. Then she picked up another picture. 

It was of me.

"Oo, who took this?" Caitlin looked at it as a photographer. "It's good." In it, I was looking up in surprise, my hair was blown back, and I had a small smile on my face. 

It was the photo that Jason gave to me.

"Jason did."

"Who's he?"

"A friend of mine."

"Do you have a picture of him?" I froze.

"No..." I lied, "I don't. He didn't like having his picture taken." The truth was that all the Jason photos were in a small cardboard box, along with everything that I associated with him, under a loose floorboard in my closet.

A bell ringed outside. I stood up, wanting to talk about anything besides Jason.

"Hey Blake!" We climbed on our bikes and set off, Blake in the front, Caitlin in the middle, and me last. 



We were stopped outside a gas station, and Caitlin was getting a lemonade.



"We aren't going to a Razorback game, are we?"

"How'd you figure it out?"

"I may not be from here, but I've been to a Razorback game before. And the stadium is in the other direction."

"Fine, I'll let you in on the secret." He glanced to the store to see if Caitlin was going to come out. "Caitlin's got a crush who happens to play baseball. His name is Gavin." I nodded. "And I just happen to know that Gavin and some others are playing a pick up game. And we will just happen to join in."

"I think you're setting Caitlin up for embarrassment. Also, I don't see any baseball gloves on you."

"Don't worry about the gloves. And Caitlin," He started laughing, "Caitlin has a natural ability to play the lovely and valuable position of left field." I doubled over in laughter. We were using our backs to support ourselves; we were laughing so hard. Caitlin came back.

"What's so funny?" 

At the game

"Blake?" Caitlin asked nervously. "Why are we in Riverway Park? I thought you said we were stopping at a friend's house for the tickets."

"Birding." She rolled her eyes.

"I forgot my binoculars. Seriously." Blake tossed a glove in her direction. 

"Pick up game." Caitlin groaned.

"Sweetheart, you can't live behind the camera." Blake said, ignoring her whining. She began to protest.

"How's Gavin supposed to see your face?" I high-fived Blake.

"Traitors." She walked way in front of us, her long blond hair glinting in the setting sun. "At least I'll burn some of my pitiful calories." Blake rolled her eyes, but he was surprised at her new sassiness and by the fact that she remembered the previous conversation.

Time for some baseball.

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I decided that the game will be a different chapter.



Perhaps maybe some old ghosts?

We'll see.

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