The Hangover

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I woke up the next day feeling hungover.

Not the real kind of hangover, because I hadn't drunk any alcohol at the dance, but I was intoxicated by our kiss. 

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I moved here trying to stay away from boys, but I broke that resolution as soon as I saw Adrian. I felt like I was walking on a cloud, a small smile forming at the corners of my mouth. Everything was blurred except for the crystal clear scene replaying throughout my head, me kissing Adrian, and that one small moment of surprise before he could kiss me back. 

I made my way towards the bathroom to snap myself out of my romantic fog. 

Looking into the mirror, I saw what a horrible job I had done removing my make up. Eyeliner smudges covered my eyelids, and my hair could be easily compared to a birds nest. There were also at least three blisters on my right foot alone from my heels.

Remind me to never wear heels again. 

After making myself look somewhat human again, I slipped on a robe and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

"Hey sweetie! Would you like some coffee?" My mother asked me as I staggered into the kitchen.

"Anything to make me feel less like a zombie." I grabbed the coffee cup and the nearest decent looking mug. 

"Did you dance a lot?" She asked, peering up from her Ipad. 

"Yep." I replied, spooning sugar into my coffee.

"You weren't drinking, were you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course not. I'm just tired." My phone screen came to life as soon as I plugged it in. Sometimes, my mom went a little overboard. She had already not-so subtly sniffed my breath when I came home last night. 

My phone buzzed with a message from Caitlin and one from Adrian. I opened the one from Caitlin first.


Faith: You weren't drunk. You don't even drink.

After a few minutes, I assumed that she was still sleeping. Lucky her. I clicked on the message from Adrian.

Adrian: I think we need to talk.

That did not sound good. I didn't think there was much to discuss. We both liked each other, we kissed, but now I had no idea what we were. We definitely were more than friends, but what if he wanted to be in a relationship with me?

That wouldn't be that bad actually. I slowly flipped my phone open and typed a quick response.

My hands were clasped around a pumpkin latte, which my was second coffee of the day, feeling the steam warm my face. I had agreed to meet Adrian in the park for our discussion. The leaves still littered the ground, and families walking throughout the park, some with dogs, some without, on this crisp October morning. Halloween was just around the corner, I realized. I had been here for two months, and I had a whole new network of friends and Adrian. When was the last time I talked to the Gibbons? I wished that they could meet my new friends and experience my metamorphosis with me. 

Adrian sat down next to me, leaning against the bench. 

"May I have a sip of that?" I handed him the coffee. 

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked, while he took a gulp of my coffee. 

"Well, you kissed me. I think that's what we need to talk about." He replied, taking another drink. I snatched the cup from him.

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