2. The Encounter (I)

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"Tsk," Karin Kurosaki scoffed, her raven hair slightly damp from the drizzle, clearly not in the best mood. "Why am I being treated as an errand-boy again?"

Despite not possessing the gentle and timid demeanor of her twin sister, this evening found Karin in an unusually foul mood. Her discontent stemmed from a series of occurrences, starting with the weird dreams haunting her nights. The lack of sleep had left her feeling drained.

It didn't help that she struggled to keep her reiatsu under control lately, a fact she kept to herself. Family and friends seemed oblivious to the turmoil within her. Now, tasked with an errand for Yuzu, her dad, and Ichigo, she trudged back from the grocery store in the rain, sans umbrella.

While Karin wasn't one to complain about such tasks, her recent exhaustion left her indifferent. The day had taken a turn for the worse, and she couldn't help but think, 'Oh yeah, just great!'

Shielding the plastic bag of necessities in her hand, Karin hurried through the rain-soaked streets toward the Kurosaki household. The football ground, a place she used to play soccer with her male friends during her elementary school days, beckoned her with nostalgic memories. The rain had eased, prompting her to pause by the familiar playground.

"Now that I think about it, it's been a while," she mumbled, dark grey eyes gazing into the distance as if revisiting a chapter of her childhood life. The damp playground stirred a smirk on her lips, especially when she spotted some little boys playing in the rain, their wet T-shirts clinging to their skin in patches.

"This might get dangerous; it's time for you to head home now. Your parents will worry," she shouted to the boys, their heads jerking in her direction. Some recognized her from their visits to the Kurosaki clinic for injuries sustained during their play.

"Hai," they muttered in unison, quickly gathering their belongings and rushing home.

Karin's smirk transformed into a nostalgic smile as she resumed her walk, small puddles on the road dissuading her from running.

Navigating her way till she nearly reached a crossroad, Karin's attention was snagged by a sight near the top of the hillside. A little girl sat, her back against the railing, and a puddle of red slowly washed away by the rain.

For a couple of minutes, it took Karin's mind to grasp the situation. Perhaps it was the countless nights of sleeplessness or her mood, but her thoughts seemed to move slower than usual. When realization hit, her nurse instinct kicked in. Dropping the plastic bag, she hurried to the little girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" In Karin's humble opinion, the child seemed about seven or six years old, possibly younger.

As she inspected the girl's body, she found scratch marks and minor cuts on her arms, with blood-soaked areas on her clothing. None seemed life-threatening until she grasped the girl's shoulder and realized she was losing a lot of blood from behind. There, on her back, was a large gash that resembled a cut from a katana.

Examining the little girl, Karin noted her attire, a Shihakusho, a signature of Shinigamis. The white coat with pastel lotus flowers hinted at extravagance. The girl's white hair, styled in a long braid, held an expensive hairpin.

Her breathing was labored, and her eyes closed. Despite the rain, Karin's hand on her forehead revealed an unusually low body temperature, and her lips were turning blue. Immediate treatment was crucial.

Karin lifted the girl in her arms, picked up the plastic bag, and noticed a zanpakuto on the ground. She grabbed it, rushing to the nearest abandoned construction building to administer first aid. The little girl's chances of survival in this weather were slim if she were to head directly to the Kurosaki household.

Thankfully, the area was unoccupied. Leaving her with ample space to work undistracted.

Removing her wet hoodie, Karin used it as a makeshift pillow to rest the little girl's head on. Her experience as a nurse had instilled the habit of being prepared for any situation. While well-equipped to treat human injuries, she doubted these skills would work on a soul.

Pondering her last alternative, her gaze lingered on the white cloak embroidered with lotus patterns. Expensive-looking, it was a cloak made of refined material. Was she really going to use this? Yet, it was this or the girl's life. In a last-minute decision, Karin tore the fabric into makeshift bandages.

Drawing on her minor training at the old man's place with the weird hat, Karin skillfully cleaned the minor wounds, wrapping them in the torn cloak. Then flipping the little girl onto her front, she focused on using a healing kidō she'd learned during her attempts to control her reiatsu.

Beads of sweat traveled down her face and dripped to the ground from her chin in small drops as she poured concentrated reiatsu into the wound. After what felt like hours, the bleeding finally stopped, and the gash closed into a diagonal red line.

Though Karin doubted it might open again with strenuous movements. In these moments, she wished her Hime-nee's abilities would've been useful.

Dropping back heavily onto her backside, Karin's labored breathing filled the air.

"Man, I feel beat," she mumbled to herself, evening out her breath. Glancing at the serenely unconscious girl, who seemed to have passed the critical stage, she sighed. "Who would've thought that crazy man's teaching would come in handy someday. Hah, for real, I'm so tired."

Directing her attention outside, Karin noted the heavy rain had resumed.

It would be a while before she could head back, and carrying an injured patient in such weather would only cause more harm.

Exhausted, a serene thought, a little out of place, crept in. "Might as well just rest a little and head back when the rain dies down," she mumbled. "Ichi-nii and Hime-nee can help you, ya know. So until then, just rest up."

Her words, spoken in a monologue, seemed to be partly directed at the sleeping figure. Heaving one last time, she crawled on the ground to rest her back against a nearby column, closed her eyes, and decided it wouldn't harm, only until the rain dies down.

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