3. The Encounter (II)

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[S]he lay in the suffocating darkness, her eyes closed in an attempt to steal a moment of respite.

Yet, instead of the comforting embrace of sleep, an unsettling symphony of whispers slowly crept in. At first, they were as delicate as spider silk brushing against her consciousness, but with each passing moment, they swelled into an ominous cacophony.

The ethereal voices wormed their way into her mind, weaving a malevolent tapestry of dread. "You're a harbinger of doom... a shadow that devours all in its wake," the whispers hissed, their sinister melody becoming increasingly insidious.

It was as if unseen specters reveled in tormenting her with a litany of accusations.

"You'll unleash darkness upon this world... your very existence is a curse," the voices chorused, a spectral choir of condemnation. Karin's heart pounded in her chest as the spectral whispers intensified, their words dripping with malice. "Jealousy will be your undoing... destruction follows in your wake."

Her eyes snapped open, and the oppressive darkness revealed a nightmarish dreamscape. Wisps of shadowy tendrils slithered across the landscape, creating grotesque shapes that seemed to mock her very existence. Karin's defiant spirit clashed with the spectral voices, her retort echoing in the abyss. "Oh for fuck's sakes, shut your damn mouths!"

A cold sweat dampened her skin as the malevolent whispers persisted, morphing into an unholy chant that echoed through the haunted realm. "Die, die, just die... embrace the darkness within you... let it consume you," they urged, a macabre incantation that reverberated through the marrow of her bones.

In the nightmarish dreamscape, Karin's frustration echoed through the chilling whispers. "Enough of this! Just let me be... f-fucking leave me alone," she declared, her eyes clenched shut while her hands covered her ears.

Despite her desperate plea, the ghastly surroundings seemed unyielding, and the spectral whispers persisted, an unsettling refrain haunting the recesses of her subconscious. As she struggled to fend off the tormenting voices, an unexpected sound pierced the eerie atmosphere – the haunting melody of a koto.

Even with her ears covered, the music resonated clearly, drowning out the malevolent whispers. The whispers retreated, dissipating into nothingness as if erased from existence. A hesitant curiosity compelled Karin to open her eyes and confront the melody, but she advised herself against it.

However, unlike previous times, a woman's voice now resonated, piercing deep into Karin's soul. "Kurosaki Karin, do you have what it takes to be my... master?" The voice held a gentle yet arrogant confidence, prompting Karin to open her eyes and confront the enigmatic figure before her.

"W-who are you?" Karin demanded, her skeptical gaze fixed on the silhouette of a lady in an elegant black kimono, sitting with her back facing her and playing a Koto with finesse.

"You shall know... soon enough," the mysterious woman replied cryptically, flicking her right arm and orchestrating a transition in the landscape. The grim surroundings morphed into a desolate, frost-covered expanse, inducing an eerie sense of tranquility that contrasted starkly with the previous nightmare.

"W-where are we?"

"Kurosaki Karin," the woman's voice chided, causing Karin to narrow her eyes in suspicion. "Do you have what it takes to be my master?"

Frowning, Karin approached cautiously, seeking answers. "What's that supposed to mean?"

However, as she neared, the area around the kimono-clad figure erupted in blazing black flames, consuming everything in its path. The stark contrast between the frozen landscape and the destructive flames left Karin bewildered and gasping for breath.

"Perhaps... the time isn't right yet," the mysterious woman mumbled, seemingly indifferent to Karin's presence. The sudden display of power only deepened Karin's frustration and confusion.

"What are you on about?" Karin demanded, teeth gritted. The turmoil in her life – nightmares, restlessness, and inexplicable encounters – left her feeling lost and agitated.

"Wake up this instant, Kurosaki Karin, you're about to die. Wake up."


The unexpected command jolted Karin awake, the dreamscape melting away. In the real world, she opened her eyes just in time to evade an impending attack, her senses heightened and on edge.

Startled by the metallic sound of a blade meeting concrete, Karin who'd swiftly rolled over to avoid the incoming strike, realized it was the little girl she had healed with kidō earlier.

Annoyance colored Karin's voice as she exclaimed, "Ah, what the hell? Is that how you repay your savior?"

The little girl, despite her childish voice, gazed at Karin with an icy stare that hinted at a capacity far more than mere mischief. "Who are you? And why did you help me?" she questioned, her katana poised threateningly.

Karin, who'd woken up in a foul mood, groaned, massaging her temples against the encroaching headache. "Just my luck. Seriously."

"You're alive, right?" the little girl pressed.

"What do you mean I'm alive? Obviously, I am."

"How?" she insisted, pointing her tiny katana menacingly at Karin.

"How what?"

"How are you, a living human being able to see me?"

Letting out a weary sigh, Karin mumbled, "Let's just say it runs in the family. My brother is one of your kind."

"Is your brother dead?" the little girl asked, curiosity temporarily softening her guard.

"What? No, that's absurd. He's just a substitute soul reaper for the Soul Society, you know."

"Oh?" The little girl's eyes widened in amazement at the revelation. For a fleeting moment, Karin found her adorable.

"And you healed me?"

"Sure did," Karin replied indifferently, standing up to pat herself clean and retrieve her plastic bag. The ice cream she had been sent to purchase had melted, and she couldn't help but glance at the darkening sky. Her sister would undoubtedly make a fuss.

Observing Karin with keen interest, the little girl interrupted her thoughts. "Anyway..."

But before she could utter anything else, Karin added, "Oh, sorry about your... cloak. I'll get you another one. It's just that I didn't have anything else on me to use as a bandage for a sou—"

"EEK! Where's my haori?" the little girl exclaimed, her eyes widening in panic at the sudden realization of her missing haori.

Karin couldn't help but smirk at the dramatic reaction. "Relax, kid. I used it to patch you up. It was either that or your death, and I doubt you'd want that."

The little girl's expression shifted from panic to a mix of confusion and annoyance. "You used my haori as a bandage? Do you know how important that is to me?"

Karin rolled her eyes. "Look, you were bleeding. I did what I had to do to stop it. You can get another haori. They're not that hard to find."

Despite Karin's nonchalant attitude, the little girl seemed genuinely distressed. "But that haori was a gift from a noble! Someone precious to me."

"Oh, great. No wonder it looked fancy. Well, maybe your precious person should've given you something more practical," Karin retorted, her tone laced with sarcasm.

The little girl scowled, gripping her katana tighter. "You're so disrespectful. I should teach you a lesson."

"Easy there, pint-sized Shinigami. I saved your life; a little gratitude wouldn't hurt. Plus, I'm not in the mood for a fight," Karin replied, unfazed by the threat.

But then, sensing the potential escalation, Karin sighed and attempted to diffuse the tension. "Look, I'm really sorry, okay? I'll get you a new one. There's no need for you to be this sad."

"It's not the same," the little girl mumbled, a trace of melancholy coloring her voice. She sheathed her katana with a heavy heart, turning away from Karin.

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