11. Remorse

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"Orihime, how is she?" Ichigo's voice, laced with concern, echoed through the living room as he observed his wife Orihime erecting her protective barrier around his injured sister, Karin.

At his side, Yuzu, tears streaking her face, looked on with worry. "Hime-nee, is she going to be okay?"

Orihime, her focus on her task unwavering, nodded reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll do my best."

"Who could've done such a horrible thing?" Yuzu muttered, her distress evident.

Toshiro Hitsugaya, arms crossed and leaning against the wall nearby, mumbled: "I suspect it was something from the rifts."

Byakuya inquired, "Do we know what that might have been?" but the white-haired Taicho simply shook his head in denial.

His mysterious, stern gaze remained fixed on the injured young lady lying on the couch, undergoing treatment by Orihime.

Matsumoto, ever compassionate, approached Yuzu and enveloped her in a comforting hug. "Let's stay calm. Karin is resilient, she'll pull through."

Toshiro decided to chime in, "She's a Kurosaki after all. Tough as nails."

Byakuya, momentarily intrigued, questioned, "You're acquainted with Kurosaki Ichigo's sister?"

Toshiro acknowledged, "Indeed, I am," choosing not to elaborate further.

Yuzu, fixing her gaze on Toshiro, blinked in realization. "Oh, you're the boyfriend Karin brought home from elementary school."

Matsumoto teased, "So, Taicho, you were dating Kurosaki Ichigo's little sister?"

Toshiro's mood soured at the jest. "For the last time, I am not her boyfriend."

Byakuya's composed voice broke in, "It's not unusual to be curious about a woman's condition."

"Don't side with them, Kuchiki Taicho," the white-haired captain cautioned, a note of warning in his tone.

Before Abarai Rukia could inject her typical mischief, Karin's distressed whispers halted any further banter. "No... Just...stop...no..."

Her struggles intensified, causing Orihime to strain to maintain her protective barrier. All eyes shifted towards Karin, their expressions reflecting worry and apprehension.

"What's happening to her?" Rukia demanded, her demeanor serious.

Karin's erratic movements seemed to scatter her spiritual energy, dispersing it erratically as if searching for something.

Yuzu, with a heavy heart, finally spoke up, revealing a truth she had kept hidden out of respect for her twin's privacy. "I believe Karin is experiencing one of her nightmares again."

Byakuya observed, "I wonder what she's dreaming about to be leaking such a tremendous amount of reiatsu."

Right on cue, Karin's struggles intensified, her reiatsu surged, scattering objects around the room, including Kazui's drawings from the coffee table.

The familiar sight of Karin's distress reminded Toshiro of his own past struggles with Hyorinmaru, before awakening his prowess as a shinigami.

He approached her instinctively, attempting to soothe her by placing a hand on her forehead. Her feverish temperature alarmed him, prompting him to use his reiatsu to lower it, the steam from melting ice rising from his hand. Eventually, Karin's struggles ceased, and she fell silent once more.

"T-Thank you, Hitsugaya Taicho," Orihime expressed her gratitude as she resumed her healing efforts on his sister-in-law.

"What was that?" Rukia demanded, her frown deepening at the unprecedented display of Karin's condition.

Toshiro confessed, "I'm not entirely sure either. I only sensed her temperature rising beyond normal."

"It would seem that her body finds solace in your presence, Hitsugaya Taicho," Byakuya remarked, acknowledging the bond between Toshiro and Karin.

Matsumoto, ready to tease, began, "Aww, Taicho, that's so—"

Toshiro cut her off sharply, "Don't start, Matsumoto." He preferred to keep the focus on Karin's well-being rather than entertain playful banter.

His Fukutaicho's expression contorted into a pout, but she relented, nodding in agreement and deciding to save her teasing for another time.

Ichigo, witnessing the ordeal, appeared lost in thought, almost dazed. The realization that his younger sister had been struggling without his knowledge weighed heavily on him.

Memories of earlier events flooded his mind—how he had pushed Karin to run errands despite her reluctance, how both Yuzu and he had pressured her until she reluctantly agreed.

Seeing Karin in such a distressed state filled him with remorse, a feeling of responsibility gnawing at him.

"Ichigo! Snap out of it, Ichigo!" Rukia's persistent calling finally broke through his trance, and he turned to face her. All eyes were on him, filled with concern.

Sensing his turmoil, Rukia reassured him, "Breathe, Ichigo. It's not your fault. Just breathe."

Ichigo slumped onto the nearby couch, his face buried in his palm. "It's my fault," he muttered.

Rukia reached out to reassure him, "No, it's not."

"It is!" Ichigo insisted firmly. "I pushed her to go out in this rain just because we wanted ice cream and it was hot here."

Rukia's expression softened as she placed a comforting hand on Ichigo's shoulder. "I understand, Ichigo. But Karin wouldn't blame you. She did it because she probably wanted to please all of you."

Orihime chimed in, "I agree. Karin wouldn't want to worry us. That's probably why she didn't mention her nightmares."

Ichigo's tense posture eased slightly at Orihime's words, a sad smile tugging at his lips. "Is she fully healed now?" he asked.

Orihime nodded, her shield fading away as she confirmed, "Yes, she is. She may wake up after some rest."

Byakuya interjected with an observation, "I believe Hitsugaya Taicho should continue to pacify her with his reiatsu. It seems to be helping her rest."

"What do you mean?" Ichigo inquired, intrigued by Byakuya's suggestion.

"I'm not entirely sure," Byakuya admitted. "But Hitsugaya's reiatsu seems to have an unusual effect on her."

Ichigo's irritation flared, a vein pulsating on his forehead as he groaned, "Why, you little shit, what did you—"

Before Ichigo could finish, Karin's groan interrupted him, her eyes flickering open suddenly as she jolted awake, sitting up with a violent swoosh and her breath labored.

The white-haired Taicho had instinctively retrieved his hand to avoid hurting her as she sat up.

"Karin? Are you okay?" Yuzu, her twin, rushed to her side, patting her back soothingly.

Karin, wide-eyed, half-covered her face with her palm. "Where is she?" she mumbled.

"W-who?" Yuzu stammered, taken aback by Karin's sudden intensity.

"The little girl that was with me," Karin stated firmly, her gaze turning fierce as her head tilted in her brother's direction. "Where is she?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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