4. The Encounter (III)

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"W-wait, where are you going?" Karin exclaimed, realizing the little Shinigami was about to leave.

She hastily grabbed onto the edge of the girl's shihakusho sleeve, halting her in her tracks.

"What else? I'm leaving," the little Shinigami responded with an air of nonchalance, seeming a bit puzzled by Karin's reaction.

Shinigamis, Karin thought, were awfully blunt and fickle-minded.

"Tsk. You're in no state to be wandering around freely, little girl," Karin retorted, wanting to prevent the girl from leaving after all the effort she had put into saving her life.

"I'm fine. Besides, you already healed me," insisted the little Shinigami.

"Still," Karin persisted, unwilling to back down. "Come with me and let my Hime-nee have a look at you. I'm not sure how to explain this, but... well... umm, she's got the kind of powers that could completely heal your injuries."

The offer tempted the little girl, prompting her to pause and ponder Karin's proposal carefully. "Is she a shinigami too?"

"Nah. Hime-nee is more like... I don't know, a living human with abilities? Ah hell, how do we even call them again?"

"So, she's a fullbringer?"

"Y-yeah?" Karin looked momentarily puzzled by the terminology but chose to brush it off. "Anyway. Come with me. It won't be the first time we've housed soul reapers at our place anyway."

A flicker of hesitation crossed the little Shinigami's features, indicating her firm reluctance and deep-seated distrust of others. Karin sensed that the girl must have endured her fair share of ordeals.

What kind of hell did shinigamis live in if even a little girl of her age was reluctant to accept a simple act of kindness?

After what felt like an eternity, the little girl finally relented, realizing that Karin was just as hardheaded as herself and might not give up on helping her. Why, she couldn't quite understand.

Taking a few steps forward, Karin squatted down with her hands on her back, beckoning for the girl to get on.

"Ah, ah, what is the meaning of this?" The little girl seemed flustered, as if being treated like a child was an unfamiliar experience.

"What else? Get on. I'll give you a piggyback ride so you can rest while I get you to my place."

"D-don't treat me like a child," the little girl protested.

"Cause you're not?" Karin's comment provoked a burst of irritation in the girl, her face flaming red, cheeks puffing out in a pout.

"No," she denied firmly.

"Hai! Hai. Get on already. My legs are going numb."

Relenting at last, the little one accepted the free ride. Karin picked up her plastic bag and carried the little girl on her back as she resumed her walk in the direction of the Kurosaki household.

In her hurry to find a secluded spot earlier to heal the child's wound, she might have wandered a little farther than necessary.

No matter; she would be back in no time to explain the situation to her family anyway.

"So?" Karin began, attempting to strike up a conversation. "What's your name, little girl?"

"Hey?" protested the kid. "I'm not little."

"Oh well, that's what they all say," Karin sighed before persisting. "Do you have a name, or should I just call you little pint-sized Shinigami?"

"You're awfully rude for a mere human."

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean—"

"Natsumi. The name's Natsumi Shiba," she interrupted with a cutting tone.

"Well, Natsumi-chan, nice to meet you. I'm Karin, Karin Kurosaki."

"Karin is it?"


"Well, Karin, do not refer to me like that. I'm undoubtedly older than you," chided Natsumi.

With a chuckle and a roll of her eyes, Karin responded, "Yeah sure, you're kinda cute for a little girl."

This comment seemed to irk Natsumi, and a popping vein of irritation appeared on her forehead. She began to struggle, waving her tiny fist above her head in protest. "I said I'm not little, I'm not little, I'm not little."

"Alright, alright. Calm down, jeeze. You might just fall," Karin sighed, unfazed by the tantrum.

She found it cute, thinking Kazui would love to know his favorite aunt was bringing him a little friend.

Amidst the playfulness, a serious question nagged at Karin's mind. "By the way, how come you were hurt that badly earlier? Who did it to you?"

Although Karin's question sounded calm and gentle, a hint of severity lingered in her tone. It was as if she was angered by the thought of someone being low enough to harm a child.

Her seemingly innocent question hit a nerve, and Natsumi stiffened while her tiny grip clenched onto the fabric of her crop top over her shoulder.

Karin noticed this shift in demeanor and asked, "Natsumi-chan, what's wrong?"

"K-Karin, is... is it really okay for me to go to your house?"

"Huh? Of course! I already said so. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts now." Karin frowned. "Well, either way, you're hurt and you need to get treated by Hime-nee. ASAP!"

"They may still be after me." The sudden aloofness in Natsumi's voice sent a shudder down Karin's spine. Halting her steps, Karin glanced at her cautiously.

"Who are they?" she demanded seriously, the scowl on her forehead deepening.

Natsumi, her eyes slanted in shadows, reluctantly shook her head and spoke, "They're dangerous. Bad... and scary."

"Natsumi-chan, whoever they are, let's talk it out with my brother. I'm sure he'll be able to protect you just fine. He's used to it."

"The one who's a substitute soul reaper?" She asked innocently, making eye contact with Karin, seeking some kind reassurance.

"Obviously," Karin confirmed, stating it like an undisputed fact. "My Ichi-nii is strong, you know."

Though the reassurance seemed to relax Natsumi's grip a bit, she still appeared hesitant and aloof, troubled by something on her mind.

"W-why are you helping me?" Natsumi asked, wanting to confirm Karin's intentions. In the world she lived in, there were no favors without a price.

"What do you mean why?" Karin frowned. "There's no reason why I shouldn't. Besides, I already told you that—"

"Would you still say the same if you knew who she was?" An eerie, unexpected voice cut into their conversation abruptly.

Startled, Karin felt an unsettling feeling settle in the pit of her stomach as her head whipped in the direction of the voice.

Hidden among the shadows cast by the trees, only a pair of dark eyes glanced back at her. Natsumi's relaxed features stiffened again, and the minor quivers of her body revealed that he was possibly the one – the one who had attacked Natsumi, the little Shinigami.

Karin's expression turned serious as she faced the mysterious stranger. "Who are you, and what do you want?" She didn't let the unease show in her voice, attempting to maintain a firm and assertive demeanor.

Natsumi clung tighter to Karin, her innocent eyes wide with a hint of unease.

"H-he is one of them. I'll hold them back... Q-quick, leave me and run." she whispered into Karin's right ear before using Shunpō to jump off her back as fast as she could.

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