Howington The Second

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My mom changed my name to Froggy. Illegally, of course. My legal name is still Howenda Howie Howington Prestly Frog Gulp the Third, after my husband, who is sadly dead. But let's not get into details. My name is Howard for short, though. I'm a two year old Pac-Man frog who loves his family and my greatest dream is to become a stalker. And I will. I've been reading through my relatives notes from when they were being stalked. All of those relatives are dead. My mom says that they are still alive inside of me, which kept me awake all night for five days in a row. Not that I care about the relatives, though. Just about the stalkers. (Because I want to become one.) Anyways, I have quite an interesting story of Howington. This one's better than the last one, I promise.

-Howard Howlington (Yes Howlington.)

   Dear Jennifer, my lovely husband,   
I was in a lovely forest because you know how much I like nature! I visit the forest twice a year for your proof of my love for the woods. Just absolutely beautiful and right next to my blue house. Blue!! I know, I am so strange. I am quite a peculiar one, indeed!!! As I was saying, my love, in those woods, I heard crunching leaves, like another Pac-Man frogs pawsteps!! I was flattered, for I must've been being... gasp... stalked!!! I was so exited, for it is an HONOR to be stalked!!! So I didn't say a word, so whoever it was, whatever their pronouns were, wouldn't run away. Eventually, I did have to go home. And nothing too interesting did end up happening. Then I went back home, and you were there, my love, and I'm sure you remember what happened next~

   Dear Jennifer, continuing my story...
I went downtown, but their was the most shocking thing!! No one was there. Usually the town is overflowing with shouting frogs, frogs playing instruments, and flooding the shops. I looked inside the shops and they were all empty. I shrugged. It was probably Halloween or something. It was the middle of Spring) Then I saw a sign. It read: STALKER FOUND IN RABID TOWNE. . . I just had find that beautiful stalker. I stole a bike and rode way over to Rabid Towne, named after the.. COUGH COUGH.. most normal Pac-Man frog in history. Anyways, THIS town was filled with all the frogs that are usually in the empty one. They must've been there for the stalker, because EVERYONE wants to be stalked! But that precious, flattering stalker.. I just adored too much to let anyone else get them. I pushed crowds of frogs away majestically!!!! Well, I attempted to. I bet you could certainly have pushed them away with those massive biceps, my love, but .. yeah.. the police had to send me back home, let's not get into too many details. Sorry for your disappointment, hunny.

   Dear Jennifer, there's even more, my lovely!
I was staying home that day, little did I know it would be so.. thrilling!! I was just daydreaming about you, my sweet shrimp,
and I heard cameras clicking. The classic stalking technique. Then it stopped. Quite a bit later, I heard knocking on the door. I thought it was you, so I went over and there was nothing but a note. I picked it up. It said, I have spotted you quite a bit, and I decided .. I'm starting to like you. ;) Yep, it was definitely a stalker!! I was so exited, I hung that note up on my refrigerator, so sorry!! OUR refrigerator. As I was saying.. no more stalker things happened for the rest of the day sadly.

Howenda the third was brutally murdered with a note left on her dead, cold body. It was from the stalker, clearly. At first I was a bit disturbed, but.. Now I know that it was from the stalker, it must've been for a good reason. The note was a jolly good one, though!! It said: Tehe I know that your gay Howington The Second. Wow, it's true!! They were probably stalking both of us!! Addicted to our gayness. Then when I went to sleep, of course with you, since we're married. I counted on that stalker for everything. . .

The next day I was with you!! Spending time with you full of hatred because of our most recent the fight!!! Because I told you that I have a stalker and you saw the notes and you were so nerdy and said to call the police! I refused, and.. yeah.. anyways, you spotted the stalker crawling into the vacuum cleaner.. oh do I really need to go over this? I'm just so overwhelmed! And you pulled them out and pinned them to the wall. You said, "it's either me or the stalker." And.. my love.. of course I chose.. the stalker. So you packed up your stuff and left. I am sending these letters to you because I think you at least deserve to know the whole story, my precious ex.

-Howington The Second

I am so flipping proud of Howington. I love how he chose the stalker over his husband. This is why "Jennifer" is not in my full name. These are all the notes I could find of the story, but rumors say that he married the stalker. Who knows though. Anyways, next chapter will be out soon!!!

-Howard Howlington

A/N: let me know in the comments if you spot any typos please!! Tysm for reading, beshties!!

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