Wrangled Stars

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 Landing from a rough rolling stop on top of a rooftop Codee tried to catch his breath, pulling out his inhaler and shaking the medicine a few times. Taking a long breath out before pressing down on the inhaler, taking a deep inhale. Looking down at his digital watch; Codee let his breath go after thirty seconds before taking a sip of water. The lizard looked up at the New York sky; not the brightest stars but at least a semi good view. He stood up slowly, making sure he didn't hurt anything from the rough fall – before noting that he probably sprained his ankle. Well it's a good thing I stopped here. He thought before looking towards the apartment building's roof exit. Oh mi gosh, can we go see Draxum today? I bet he misses us! A high pitched squeal sounded off from Codee's mind, quickly changing his mood from good to annoyed. Afterwards trailing his way towards the rooftop door, making his way inside the building and down the staircase.

Counting the floors he went down, Codee stopped at the fourth floor looking quietly at the door before pulling the red hood over his face and walking into the floor. Feeling uneasy on making his way through the hallway, Codee stopped at an apartment door reading the number he had on paper. "Seems correct..." he muttered. Knocking on the door slowly he heard a small grumpy voice coming from inside the apartment. Within seconds the apartment door swung inwards, revealing the grumpy goat yokai. Though Draxum's face went from a sleepy-anger to a quick surprised-fear – well almost fear, only halfway there. "You." he said, "I thought you would be dead by now."

Codee looked at Draxum, unamused by his response before limping past the yokai and flopping onto the couch. "Yeah, sure, after not visiting for two years just come on in and lay on my couch." he grumbled. Looking towards the lizard, Draxum made his way towards the kitchen, stopping in the doorway to take a glance at the mutant one more time. "Mint or Chai?" he asked. Codee held up two fingers in the air, giving the yokai an answer and resting away with his face smushed on the couch cushions.

	After a few minutes the yokai came back inside the living room, throwing a warmed blanket at the lizard before going back to the kitchen

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After a few minutes the yokai came back inside the living room, throwing a warmed blanket at the lizard before going back to the kitchen. Codee muttered a thank you, wrapping inside the warmed cover while waiting for the tea. When Draxum finally came back with the tea Codee sat up, holding his hands out for the drink as Draxum sat down beside the mutant. "Why are you back here? Above anything, what has happened since you left, or more importantly why haven't you visited anyways?" Draxum started, shooting a few questions at Codee.

"I don't work for Mimaw anymore, I have a daughter, and I run my own shop. I moved out of her hotel when I had the money to start my shop, and when I tried to visit your lab it was destroyed and you weren't anywhere to be seen in the Mystic City." Codee muttered before looking at the paper gripped in his hand. "I've had your address for a while now... but it took me a while to get the willpower to travel here by foot." he finished, taking a sip of his drink. He expected to get a million questions, it wasn't not-normal to get bombarded with them anyways.

"You have a daughter..." Draxum repeated, a bit confused for the most part.

"I adopted her, off the street of course, but apparently the Mystic City adoption process isn't that hard to get through. Her name is Rosalita, though I call her Lita for short... I found her on the street... because of you." Codee muttered, looking over at the yokai. Though at first Draxum didn't understand what she meant, his eyes widened with realization a few seconds later before returning to a neutral expression again. "Yeah, from what Lita told me, her mom abandoned her as soon as she got bit by one of your science projects." he scolded. Taking a deep breath Codee let the anger in him simmer while he sipped the newly lukewarm tea.

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