Chapter 7- A True Denial..

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Here I sit alone in a dark room waiting for the presence of someone. My heart beats rapidly while hearing random thumping above the upstairs wooden floor. I finally hear the creaking of the stairs as each foot takes a step one by one.

I hear a click and the light shines a dull hue from a hanging light bulb above my head.

"Mr Mabins." I hear a familiar voice, closing in towards me.

"Sir." I say as I look up to be met with the eyes of my teacher. James Doorthian.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. But- we need to have a little discussion upon your powers and your role on Pangaea." He spouts.

I nod and that's all I do. Nothing but nod. I have no words to express and no questions to ask, especially upon the unexpected surprise of Queen Charlene, and for the reason of being in this dark edgy room that resides beneath the palace, and for the reason of why the queen greeted me with the forbidden word, "Shapeshifter".

"Eric, I need you to understand that all your questions will be answered. By me are Queen Charlene. But for now, I need you to focus."

Wait, how did he-

"I can read minds Eric." He sighs.

"Oh" is all I can say to him.

"As I was saying. You need to focus. What I am about to tell you might be a bit frightening for you and I don't want anything bad to happen you." He continues.

"Eric the moment when we were in the field. The moment you were sat down and busy thinking of a dragon. The moment when you never said you saw a dragon and when you saw a crow. My heart dropped."

"Eric. You are not just a dragon. You are something more. I am pretty sure you can figure out what I am about to say to you."

And he was right. I knew the minute he started talking. The minute he started explaining. I knew exactly what he was going to tell me. That I am-

"You're a Shapeshifter Eric." He then finally says, cutting my mind off.

"Something that is way more dangerous than a dragon. Something that has been extinct long before dragons were."

I stare him dead in the eye and immediately I feel dull.

2 Years Ago

"Eric, listen to me!" My mother shouted at me.

"You will go to that school and fulfill your goals. It's does not matter if you don't have powers. You were made to rule this kingdom!"

"Yes mother." Tears flowing from my eyes can be clearly seen.

"Don't you think you are being a bit too harsh, dear?" My father looks me in the eye and turns to my mother.

"I don't think I'm being harsh at all." She gives my father a serious look.

"Go to your room and only come back once you actually get the right mindset."

I nod and leave the room, bursting tears out. I cry and cry as I run towards my bedroom. I bang the door open and run to the corner. I sit there with my hands on my knees.

What did I do wrong? Why am I even here? Why was I even born?


And that is where it starred. My love for the repetition of words.

2 Years Later

I am sitting down in my bed again. Watching the outside as always. Ollie nor Damien are back from there long training session. So all I can do is sit there in silence. But when I hear door open, I did not even want to face the person's face who walks in.

I can feel their stare upon me. Footsteps can be heard closing in towards me.

"Eric?" I feel the bed sink. The voice made my heart drop.

"Are you oka-" I feel a hand slowly creep on my shoulder.

I turn around immediately and hug Otto by the waist. Tears are falling from my eyes and the only thing I can do is seek comfort from him. He holds me tight, making sure I won't fall.

"Eric? What happened?" I hear his voice like he is crying too.

"Eric? What the heck happened?" He lifts my head and holds it in his big hands.

I pull away gently and wipe my tears.
I proceeded to act like nothing has happened.

His hand then turns my chin towards him. We are like just about 2cm away from each others face.


"I love you." Without thinking, I said that. My heart was beating fast.

"What?" He looks at me and then he turns to look at the floor and then back to me. I can hear his heart beating.

"Nothing!" I cover my mouth and immediately barge out the door.

I run and run. And then I run past Damien who doesn't seem to be interested in why I'm running until Otto runs past him too.

"Eric wait!" I hear Otto shout.

I sprint down the stairs, hoping that I
would not fall. I finally reach downstairs and turn to look behind, if Otto was there but he couldn't catch up. I quickly sprint out the doors the training yard and through the forest to the field.

I stop and bent over to catch some breath. I can't believe I said that to him. I cover my face in disbelief. I almost want to cry. But it's true..

I caught feelings for him since the first day. The day I saw him on the bridge. And now I just made a fool of myself.

"Oh my goodness.." I sigh.

How can I say that when he loves Jenna. I'm so dumb.

"Eric." I hear his out of breath behind me and I almost start sprinting until he caught my hand and pulled me in towards him.

Our eyes meet and my heart starts beating even faster.

"Eric I-"

"You what?" I pull away and turn away from him.

"You what Otto?" I turn back to him.

"I-" I cut him off.

"Why did you even follow me here Otto? Shouldn't you be saying 'what the heck is wrong with you Eric?' or 'you are so weird Eric.'?" I blab out.

I can't control myself.

"You like Jenna don't you? Why didn't you go to her? Why did you come to me?"

"Otto tell me! Tell me why!"

"Eric!" He shouts at me and I flinch.

"Eric, I don't love Jenna. I never did! It was always you."

I grab my wrist tightly, proving to myself that this is really happening.

"Otto I-" Otto pulls me by the shirt and our lips meet.

My were wide open until they were closed, enjoying this moment. A moment where I was never denied. Where I was never proven wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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