Chapter 2

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"May I present to you all, the execution of Khimhant Theerapanyakun, youngest prince of the fae kingdom!"

10 years previously

Kim ran. Ran as fast as his eleven-year-old legs would carry him. Ran from the realm, from his father and brothers, from the body.

The fae were known for mentally maturing in academic aspects much faster than their human counterparts despite physically aging at the same rate but even by the age of five, Kim had craved knowledge far beyond that of even a fae child his age.

This lust for knowledge led him to go through almost every history book in the palace library by the time he was 10. After seeing the suffering his people experienced everyday his curiosities mainly centred on the war with the humans in a hope to explain to himself why anyone would cause this kind of pain.

The humans and fae had lived together peacefully for millennia until a few centuries before Kim's own birth. According to the records, beings from both sides of the land traded, lived together and even had children, which was what lead lots of humans with fae ancestors to be able to wield limited amounts of magic. He read that some of these human "mages" increase their magical ability with decades of training, but most became apothecaries of some kind and used their magic to make potions as it was easier for most of them than conjuring.

Unfortunately, unlike the fae who were united under the fair rule of Kim's own ancestors, the humans were once split into three kingdoms, each with their own ruling family. Humans in essence, Kim had learnt, were violent and selfish by nature and in the past had been too busy fighting each other to worry about the fae.

Nevertheless, a few centuries ago two of the three human kingdoms banded together out of nowhere and overthrew the other, Kim's fae books never explained what made them join (for obvious reasons that the fae historians did not know for certain what happened) but did express the destruction it caused in all the human kingdoms.

After the third kingdom had fallen, the eldest prince from the first and eldest princess from the second were hastily married, joining their families and kingdoms to create a new land for the humans to dwell in.

However, the war between the humans had left them with few resources left so they turned to the fae for aid. But Kim's ancestors had turned them down as they believed in fairness and the humans had brought this on themselves by killing their own kind. As expected, the humans responded badly to this and a few years later, after building up their military, they finally retaliated.

The fae had never had the need for a military in the past so were completely unprepared as the humans sieged their capital, killing and destroying everything and everyone in their wake. Thankfully a group of strong fae managed to use their abilities to fight them off and push them out of the capitol. In an attempt to keep his people safe, Kim's predecessor had ordered for the humans to be push back as far as possible and then construct a wall surrounding his kingdom to keep their enemies a bay.

And so, they did, and The Boundary was constructed.

After that, the fae created their own elite military with a special bodyguard division to protect his family. After the word spread from their spies in the human kingdom that their own home was now referred to as the lower world by the humans (despite being geographically beside one another) his ancestors became so enraged by this insult they sieged the human kingdom themselves which marked the official start of the war as it was the first aggressive action after the separation.

Bit of an overreaction Kim thought although he did know how big some ego's of fae could be so it wasn't that surprising.

Eleven-year-old Kim stared up at the translucent field that reached upwards for what seemed like eternity due to the spiked trees obscuring his view. He took a deep breath as he watched the wall shimmer a beautiful purple as it oscillated. Where could he go from here?

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