chapter 4

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4 years later

"Don't cry." A husky voice spoke up bringing Porchay out of his reminiscence of the past. He brought the hand not holding the dagger up to his face and found wetness there. When had he been crying? Had he been crying the whole time without even realising it? "Kill him, Son!" His father's voice boomed through his thoughts, clearly becoming agitated.

He tried, he really tried. He had been trying to press the blade deeper into the other man's skin since he placed it there. Trying to brake flesh, trying to draw blood, trying to kill. But he just couldn't do it. "Now!" The king roared behind him in fury. The suspicious and judging murmurs of the lords surrounding them clearly affecting him.

He focused on Kim once more; the man was no longer smiling and the look in his eyes seemed more questioning than hurt. Chay's hand gripped the knife impossibly tighter as it started to shake against the skin more frequently. He knew what he had to do. The only thing he could do.

"No." He whispered as he was about to pull his arm back when a giant crash behind him interrupted him, shocking him and causing his already incredibly tense body to spasm and flinch in surprise as a fae battalion instantly stormed into the court room.

The area immediately transformed into a battle ground, fire burning the age-old hanging tapestries to dust, blood splattering on the antique furniture and making it almost unrecognisable. Chay felt himself get pulled back by his guards until he was hidden behind their muscular frames.

His breathing quickened alongside his heart rate while everything around him felt like it was moving in slow motion. Chay suddenly felt very dizzy and just as he was about to pass out he felt something smudging on his hand where it was still tightly clasped around the dagger.


He'd meant to pull back as to avoid injuring the man, but he must have cut him accidentally. Chay wasn't sure what classed as 'lots' in blood terms but the thick layer of red covering the blade that was now dripping onto his hand where Porchay held the knife towards his face seemed like a lot.

Did he really kill Kim?

He immediately searched for the man over the shoulders of the men before him, when he saw nothing over the guards, he immediately feared the worst, that Kim was lying cold on the floor, never to breath another breath of life ever again.

No, no, no! He had to see Kim. Why couldn't he see Kim?

In complete disregard for his own safety, Porchay pushed he way through the guards in an attempt to see the only man he ever cared about one last time. Alive or dead.

When he saw the man was not where he had left him, Chay's gaze swept over every face in the court. Men and women were fighting for their lives around him but al he could see was that Kim wasn't here.

Please Kim just don't be dead, I need you to be alive even if we may never cross paths again and you can never forgive me. He prayed, hoping the goddesses would take pity on him.

And just at that moment, when Chay was about to lose all hope, in the corner of the room, he saw them. Those ethereal fae ears connected to an even more majestic man. A man whose own hand was clasped around his bleeding neck but whose smile was pure and unwavering and directed at one person in particular.

Porchay felt the world around them blur into the background as they stared at each other. But as quickly as it happened it ended. Kim turned away and signalled the fae troops that it time to depart.

Chay felt as if he was stoned in place as he watched Kim move across the room, single-handedly taking down anyone who dared to approach him, figuratively and literally since he was one-handed with the other still clasped around him throat. Chay swore he didn't even see him touch some of the opponents, they just fell to the ground. Dead. Lifeless.

Just as Kim was about to leave, he turned back to Porchay one last time with a smirk and winked at the boy. And then he was gone once again, all of his living fae troops following behind him.

After that Chay just collapsed, neither his body nor his mind could fully process the events of today and after so long, it finally gave up.

As he felt his eyes closing and his brain shutting off, he heard a voice so familiar yet impossible. No, he didn't hear it, he felt it in every fibre of his being, surrounding him, verging on suffocating while also feeling warm and safe.

"I missed you, Angel."

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