author's note

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Okay just when I started writing soulmate I never thought my imagination would let that happen-

You guys, I'm so sorry if y'all thought I'd make it a happy ending just like for Ju-won and Riki but oops-

Well, actually if you haven't quite understood it: there's Jayeon and Jungwon who both saw the fire in the convenience store and Jungwon sacrificed himself in the fire to keep Jayeon safe

She thought he'd be dead for months, almost years. Just then in the Epilogue, there's Jayeon
dreaming about meeting Jungwon.

But it wasn't a dream. He actually never died in that fire and is taking care of her at night when she can't see his face.
He never said that he never died because he worries that it could all overcome Jayeon and she could like "break down" lol

So yeah actually we have a sad and a happy ending at the same time !!

and guys, this was only the first book of a whole series which is called 'Infinity'

Woowww announcement!!

The next member : SUNOOO AHHHH

Yep it will be Sunoo and the story is called 'Forever' <33

Be prepared for my upcoming stories and I promise I will work more often at Rainbows which is more like a long ongoing project alongside <33

I hope you enjoyed my book "soulmate" !!
I love you all and I'm so grateful for your reading <33

Thank you for everything and I love you !!

Lots of love,
Lue ❤️

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