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Every characters believes that their world is a real one.  They believe that their reality is the same with everyone.  But unknown to them, their world is a derived from one to many.  What does it means?  It means that their world might be created from someone imagination, fantasy, dream, what-if or whatever it is.  Some of them created through fiction while others from non-fiction.  Novels, anime, games, fanfiction and stories.  

Scary, right?

The possibility that your own reality is built just due to a whim from the creator aka author.  Can you believe that what you are experiencing right now either born from your own will or from character design?  It is like a puppet when you just talk, walk, run or what are you currently doing is from an author's scheme just for something interesting like plot or storyline in order to make it interesting for readers.  Some readers prefer happy ending.  Some prefer bitter sweet ending.  Some prefer bad ending.  It depends on the genre of the story itself. 

As for the characters, they believe that what they are doing is for their own good when the reality is that they just act according to design.

There are some instances like a genre with a tag 'isekai'.  Oh yes, there is another one, 'reincarnation'.  Do you know this?

These people tend to have some exposure of the world and trying to act like they are some sort of saviour or something.  There are people wish that the characters will live happily ever after.  There are some who just want to fulfil their dreams like harem or reverse harem with them as the center of the story.   This sort of people mostly known as hero or heroin and villain if there is someone who should not be in the story according to their understanding.  Of course some are chill with it since for them, the extra is just that, extra.

Who are they to judge that?   

Their mindset who cannot accept that these characters are living human being instead of just characters in the story.

Now, I am sure that mostly people keep on thinking on why am I rambling here on this issue but this is important.



It is because I am a soul who somehow being force to act just to fit a character.  My mistake.  Characters.  Plural, ladies and gentlemen.  

I am just a lonely soul which is pick randomly by creators in order to make sure that their storylines attract the attention of readers all over the world.  I don't know how am I pick by them, just I am supposed to lose my sense of self when I am being forced but somehow I retain them.

I still remember the first character.  A board character was more likely.  I just need to be a stepping stone for a heroine to emerge victory over their bad luck.  Huh.  Then, I died.  Unknown to anyone.  Not even heroine who somehow learnt of my death shed tears when I was someone she kept on asking for support.  Then, I was force to act as another character.  Again.

From there, I learnt.  I learnt that I could not act out of design and kept on being used by others.  Kept on being recycled.  Since that was the case, I made sure that I learnt all the skills from those worlds.   I put 100% of acting and learnt all the skills so that I could used them someday.  I believed it whole heartedly.  Those experiences made me matured beyond my physical age.  Not soul since I might be an ancient.

Some minor and some major characters.  I keep on to make sure that I will emerge victory.  I spilt blood, sweat and tears just to be what I am today.  

The initial state of soul?  Innocence?  Too bad.  That person is no longer there.  They died along with the first character.  I am now currently a mix of all characters that I have been due to a whim of creators.

Then, finally.  The time comes.  Only one thing flash in my mind.

'I'm free.'

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