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Two hours later, the omega began to wake, he twisted and turned on his side to relieve his sore back.

"Hmmm, w-water."

He mumbles catching the attention of the alpha who had his head in his hands.

"Hey, you're awake, what is it that you want?" 

Jungkook asks softly as he hands the omega who blinks slowly to adjust the blaring lights from the ceiling the cup of water.

"W-what happened?" Taehyung asks his boss as he sits up feeling a little nervous as to whether Jungkook knew the truth about him being pregnant.

"You fainted, are you not taking proper care of your health?" 

The alpha asked stressing on the word health to which Taehyung gulped, his mind basically screams 'he knows'.

"I-I d-do." Taehyung replies as he makes himself smaller on the bed when he notices the stare the Alpha was giving him.

"I'll go give a call to Junghyun."

 Jungkook as he stood to leave the room but was stopped when the omega grabbed his wrist.

"He doesn't deserve to k-know."

 Taehyung says once he realizes that Jungkook wasn't turning around.

When Jungkook heard this, he spins around watching as the tears slipped from the omega's face, he believes that Taehyung found out the truth.

"Oh." Jungkook says sitting down once again. He's not the person to tell the omega 'I told you so', cause he knew the feeling.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you and saying t-those things, g-god I feel like a fool."

 Taehyung continued sobbing softly once he noticed the bland answer from his boss.

Jungkook sprang to his feet as he awkwardly tried to comfort the distressed omega.

Taehyung had his back hunched, and his face stained with tears.

He wraps his arms around his small baby bump, seeking some semblance of comfort.

Jungkook's heart aches at the sight of Taehyung's pain.

"Taehyung, can we talk?"

Taehyung turns to face Jungkook, his eyes red and puffy. He wipes away his tears, attempting to put on a brave face.

"What is it, Sir?"

Jungkook takes a seat beside Taehyung on the bed, his presence offering a sense of stability as he lets out comforting pheromones.

"I know that Junghyun actions have left you broken and betrayed, but you can't let this consume you. You have to stay strong, not just for yourself, but for the pup." He lets out gently.

Taehyung's trembling hands reach for his bump, a mix of emotions flickering across his face.

"I never thought this would happen, sir. I can't believe he could do this to me. How can I move on from this?"

Taehyung asks desperately seeking answers in his boss's eyes.

Jungkook places a hand on Taehyung's, holding it gently.

His eyes shine with empathy, his words heartfelt.

"I know it hurts, but you can't let Junghyun betrayal define your future. You are strong, and you have a precious life growing inside you. Your pup needs you to be healthy, both physically and emotionally."

Taehyung's breath hitches as he struggles to find hope within his despair as watches the man before him somehow struggled to be soft.

"But how? H-how do I find the strength to keep going?"

Taehyung barely whispers out, but Jungkook heard him.

Jungkook leans closer, his voice filled with conviction and firmness.

"You find it in the love you have for the pup, hmm. They need you to be the best version of yourself, to fight for your happiness and theirs. Don't let Junghyun's betrayal break you. Rise above it, for yourself and for the pup."

Taehyung looks into Jungkook's eyes, seeing unwavering support reflected back at him.

"Thank you, sir. I needed to hear that. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my pup and find my strength again."

He barely whispers out as he silently inhales the pheromones the alpha released.

Jungkook lips twitch up, a glimmer of hope shining through, can't believe he comforted someone.

If his mom walked through the door seeing him like this, she surely would've passed out seeing him comforting the omega, a pregnant one at that.

"That's the spirit, Taehyung. We'll face this together, one step at a time. Lean on me whenever you need to, and remember that I am here for you, no matter what."

"Ehm, sorry to disturb but I have some good news and sorry to say but some bad news as well."

Mr. Kim, the doctor, said as he makes his way in the room, checking the monitor and checking Taehyung's vital.

Jungkook gets up to make space, but the doctor told him to sit back down.

"Its ok you can stay there, so bad news or good news first?"

Mr. Kim asks as he watched confusion grow onto the omega's face.

"I'm sorry to say that the test results have come back, and it appears that your pup is lacking a father to push through the pregnancy."

He continued watching the Alpha release his pheromones to comfort the pregnant omega.

"W-what does that mean, doctor?"

Taehyung asks as he holds onto to Jungkook's shoulder to pull himself up into a sitting position.

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