♦ Chapter 3

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In the cafeteria...

"It's too early." Lily complains.

"It feels like it's one in the morning." Evan joins in with said complaining.

Temperence rolls her eyes.

"It is actually... 5:45." Aiden corrects the both of them.

"Why are we awake?" Lily asks yawning.

Temperence makes a fighting motion.

"We're training at 6:30?" Aiden says.

Temperence nods.

"Damn, how'd you get 6:30?" Evan asks seemingly amazed.

"You guys take forever to eat." Aiden says.

"Hey! I am a growing wolf." Lily snaps.


Temperence rolls her eyes once again.

"That pun was... decent." Aiden mutters.

"Ass." Lily glares.

"Why yes, I do have an ass, Wolfy." Evan says, semi-flirtatiously.

"I'm going to hurt you." Lily says holding up a fist.

"In your dreams." Evan glares.

Temperence glares at both of them before turning towards the breakfast line where she saw Ivory arguing with Ace. She walks up to her brother and waves.

Lukas waves back, smiling, "I don't think you want to know what they are arguing about,"

Temperence shakes her head. 'I already heard those two arguing, they don't seem to understand that if I do punch them it will hurt, a lot.'

Lukas signs 'They don't seem to understand what quiet means, plus you could easily beat Ivory.'

Temperence smiles, pointing to her team behind her. 'Can we sit with you guys?'

Lukas signs 'Sure first year friends' He grins, still standing in line, "Ivory, Faunus are not soulless, just like gingers aren't soulless." He comments verbally in the line when Ivory's voice started squeaking in anger.

Temperence sighs, rolling her eyes before walking to control her team.

"Of course you think so! Mr. I Have a crush on Copper." Ivory screams.

"I don't have crushes they get in the way. Unlike you who has like 5." Lukas says as team Liac get's their food and sits at the table Lukas pointed to.

Temperence walks to her team...

"They won't stop," Aiden mutters.

Grabs Evan's arm and twists it behind his back causing him to scream out in pain. Then she walks over to Lily grabbing her hand, holding Lily away from Evan before giving her a death glare. She shoves Lily to the ground before gesturing to Aiden 'We are sitting with LIAC, come on.'

He nods before signing 'Okay, I am coming.'

'You know sign language?' Temperence signs quickly in surprise.

'Yeah, I figured since you know, you're the leader, I should know what you're talking about.' Aiden signs back slightly smiling.

Temperence smiles before grabbing his arm and pulling in the direction of the line.

"Get off the floor you two, we're getting food then sitting with LIAC, so you will shut your mouths or Temperence will shut them for you, if I don't." Aiden says, looking back at Lily and Evan.

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