♦ Chapter 10

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At TEAL's Dorm In The Morning...

Aiden wakes up, realizing his lavender haired girlfriend isn't next to him. He is about to call for her until he hears the shower running. Lily snores, rolling over. He rolls his eyes before hopping out of Temp's bed and getting dressed.

Temp walks out of the bathroom, dressed in a light-blue tank top and white shorts, although it was fall.

"Hi." Aiden said quietly.

"Hi. Do you wish to wake them up?" Temp asks.

"Sure." Aiden walks over to Evan's bed and screams, "OH MY GOD! IT'S THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!"

Evan jumps out of bed and screams, "I CALLED IT YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Temp and Aiden start laughing, whereas Lily rolls over. Walks to Lily's bed, "Lily Evan died!"

"YES! PARTY TIME!" Lily screams sitting up, "DAMN IT TEMPERENCE, I HATE YOU!"

Temperence puts her hand up to her heart in utter shock, "I feel so offended." She says sarcastically, "I thought we'd last,"

"Ha ha." Lily mutters.

Smiles, turning away. "Um, I believe team LIAC may have heard us." Temp suggests.

A knock on the door is heard a heartbeat later. Temp skips to the door. "Hi bro." Temp greets smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"You're in a good mood, " He comments, "The dance is later today don't forget."

"Get to the point Lukas." Ivory mutters.

"I know, I am mainly excited for scaring the shit out of my team." Temp says.

"Scaring?" Lukas comments ignoring Ivory.

"Zombie apocalypse, I also told Lily that Evan died, thus the screaming at me and damning me."

"Oh Cool, Zombies aren't real by the way- well I'm going to go find Ace we'll meet up with you guys later." Lukas says quickly before walking down the hallway.
Ivory rolls her eyes, "Keep your eyes out for the biggest bitch, I'm going to kill her." she says following Lukas.

"Bye!" Temp shouted down the hall, "Although apparently, I am not worthy of a hug!"

Lukas slouches walking back to the dorm door, "Why do you want a hug?" He says holding out his arms annoyed.

"I wanted to see if you'd come back, plus you know you love me bro," She says hugging him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I love you now -" Lukas says letting go of Temp.

"Ha ha, my hair is longer," She mocks closing the door.

A thump is heard down the hallway.

Lukas makes his way back to Ivory who encountered Copper.

"Nice to see you guys met up!" Lukas says semi-sarcastically, happy they didn't need to look for Copper.
"She wasn't watching where she was going!" Ivory says picking up the red notebook she was carrying around with her.
"It's wonderful to see both of you in such a good mood!" Copper says blankly crossing her arms,
"Nice to see you aren't dead I suppose!" Ivory says unforgivingly.
"Copper where were you?" Lukas asks.
"Just out and about like always, I'm not a school person if you've ever noticed," Copper grins, "You have an audience nice!" Team TEAL was peaking out from their dorm door.
"The dance is today you shouldn't be surprised." Lukas says, "Are you still going with Ace?"
Temp pulls her team into her dorm and shuts the door.
Copper laughs, "Ace never asked me what are you talking about. I wouldn't go with any of my team anyways." Copper pushes her way around Ivory heading to the shared dorm.
"What the fuck Lukas! You didn't even ask her!" Ivory says waving the notebook around Lukas's face. "She could be a criminal how idiotic are you!!"
"I'm going to look up the names on the back of the picture, Before asking and yelling like you are." Lukas says. "She looked liked she honestly lost her mind."
"Yeah whatever, if you die it's not my fault." Ivory says shoving the book at Lukas before running down the hallway towards the training room.

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