♦ Chapter 8

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After class...

"Okay team, want to train or go back to the dorm?" Temperence asks.

"Dorm, I am tired." Evan says.

"Train." Aiden says.

"The dorm sounds nice." Lily says.

"Great, we're tied." Temperence mutters. "Because some people are lazy!"

"Maybe we're just not in the mood!" Lily says.

"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" Evan declares to Lily.


"Be back at the dorm by 7, Aiden and I are going there." Temperence says.

"Okay." both Lily and Evan say.

Aiden and Temp walk the opposite direction of Lily and Evan.

At the door of LIAC's dorm

"Can we not get a break or is that against your rules?" Ace asks.

"We were assigned another mission." Lukas comments.

"Then maybe we should be resting?" Ace comments, wanting to go back to the dorm.

"First we're studying then we're training no questions asked." Lukas says trying to be responsible and letting his teammates into the dorm as Lukas closes the door before wondering why his team mates were laughing.

"How do you fall asleep standing up!" Ivory laughs.

Ace hushes Ivory with an angry glare putting a hand on Copper's right shoulder. "Hey, wake up." Copper jerks away before almost falling into the coffee table. "What? I wasn't sleeping, I was testing the lamp, see it's on." Copper points to the lamp which was glowing light blue possibly being lit with ice dust.

"Ok you were sleeping and testing the lamp, are you up for training in like an hour or so?" Lukas asks rolling his eyes.

Ace gives Lukas a glare. " You're really asking her to train? She doesn't even know what mission we're going on."

"If you think she's that fragile we could leave her here like last time." Lukas says as Ace looks more disgusted.

"What is this mission you guys are talking about," Asks Copper.

"You'd know if you would've went to class." Ivory mutters sitting on her bed tossing a small white crystal back and forth.

"It's a capture a grimm mission." Ace says crossing his arms.

"Then I can participate." Copper says as Ace crawls into his bed with a look of disgust.

Lukas smirks being right. "Ivory, I wouldn't mess with that."

Ivory raises her eyebrows and then puts the crystal away. "Do we still have to train now?" she asks.

"It's now up to a choice."Lukas comments, "Since you guys don't like being bossed around."

Copper goes to comment "Yes! that means free time! I have to reorganize my closet did you hear about the dance coming up? In like... 3 weeks?" Ivory says checking her scroll.

"Ivory no one wants to participate in that stupid event." Ace mutters.

"I will thank you!" Ivory snaps at Ace, "We have been going to school for a solid 2 months before your sis's team came around."

"Thanks for reminding me." Lukas says, "I should contact my parents later." Copper chuckles before getting into her bunk.

Ivory looks confused. "So you're not going to the dance?"

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