♦ Chapter 20

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Ironwood seeming as if he was giving up on the battle school of Beacon finished off Ozpin's job, graduating students even if they didn't go through enough training.By this time Teal had been through another 2 years worth of training. Standing on an outside stage with a microphone grasped in his left hand, even though he didn't need it with how loud his voice was. They weren't even being graduated from Beacon just on a small stage in town hall. 
"Students, staff and faculty, of Beacon it has come the day for all of us to move on, from this grave mistake of students Mr. Ozpin has taught, you will be given and honorable discharge, with full starts on your graduate papers." Ironwood says, taking hours to give the passing students papers to remove themselves from Beacon early, eventually getting to team TEAL's papers.The team of four, stand on the stage silently, as Ironwood's voice rings out, without the microphone, the rather large group of students looking up at him from their standing stances in the crowd below,"Temperence Lavender, Evan Nightshade, Aiden Charcoal, and Lily Umber, members of team TEAL, you are now graduated from Beacon, congrats with the success." The team members shake his hand, moving onto Port, Oobleck, Glynda, and then Ozpin. Right as Evan goes to shake Ozpin's hand, a sound of a sniper rifle goes off, going through Ozpin's head, Evan looking up to where the bullet came from as Ozpin's body falls to the stage, then to the ground, Glynda shrieking at it happened. Evan could see no attacker, as another shot went off hitting his shoulder, Lily drags Evan off of the stage, as Temperence and Aiden run into the crowd, running away, from the attackers, that no one could see, from the attackers which might just be students that Ozpin taught, it could be the White Fang, it could be mutated grimm, but they wouldn't know exactly what killed Professor Ozpin. They ran through the streets, as grimm appeared; from seemingly no where to their confused minds. "What's happening!" Lily shouts, as Aiden cuts down grimm in front of them. None of them stopping their pace. "Ozpin was assassinated!" Aiden shouts, loud enough for them to hear. "They almost got Evan!" Lily snaps. "I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound." Evan mutters towards Lily who was dragging him, "Come on let's stop and fight!" Evan says. "Are you kidding me I lost Derick! Not you too!" Lily shouts. "We keep going, we don't stop!" Temperence shouts.

Eventually the team gets to a motel, renting a single room for one night. Lily cleans up Evan's wound, Aiden and Temperence sit on a bed jumping at every crash from outside. Eventually around night time, the noises from outside stop, the students still jumpy after their experience, turn on the news. It showing Lisa Lavender's cold yet comforting face as she told anyone who was watching of what happened.

"It seems after an attack on graduates in town hall of Vale, that the attacker's have gone missing or dead. Consisting of a mysterious blond and blue eyed, man who's body dissolved like the many creatures of grimm after being killed, the following still being alive; a women going by the name of Emerald Sustrai, Fox Alistair, Valentine Bloodworths, Eric Silver-mist, Jace Impostor, and several deformed White Fang members, along with the various grimm they brought with them. 10 people dying, consisting of Peter Port, Oobleck Bartholomew, Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon, and various now deformed students. Please be safe citizens of Vale, until next time." Lisa's voice ends the new's flipping to the weather as Temperence turns off the TV.

"It could have been worse." Aiden says, as he embraces Temperence.
"I guess but, I need to know what happened to the other teams." Temperence mutters.
"Don't worry about it." Evan says as Lily is seething with anger, beside him.
"I'm going to kill off every single roach that caused that." She snaps, standing up from her seat beside Evan, and leaving the motel, with her weapon in hand.
"Evan would you like to come with us?" Aiden offers, noticing displeasure on the purple and black hair-ed teen's face.
"No let's just go out separate ways in the morning." Evan mutters as all three of them go to sleep, after laying down in sorrow or confusion.

The next day they do indeed split up, Aiden and Temperence going together, and Evan decided to choose his own path.

Well congrats. You finished one of my works, next to the back stories which I'm assuming you read before this. The next chapter of this is in Thus Forward written by me. May I remind you to read them all in order, because if you don't you'll go without noticing important characters, and or messing up the timeline more than I have. After Thus Forward please read brandy2256's story called Into The Future which happens after Thus Forward.  Thank you for reading. If you have any questions please ask.

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