♦ Chapter 12

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Team TEAL at lunch the next day; after the whole day of classes team TEAL didn't run into team LIAC.

"They aren't here, do you think I said too much?" Temp starts

"Not really." Lily states.

"It's not like them to skip." Temp voices.

"They'll be fine," Aiden says, attempting to comfort his girlfriend by putting his arm around her.
"I hope so." Temp mutters.
"Temp, I am sure that your brother will be fine." Evan says.

"Okay, but I will still worry." Temp mutters.
"We wouldn't expect any less." Aiden says.

They eat their lunch in silence, Temp glancing around worriedly.

At the manor of the Crescent family;

"Knock on the door already." sighs Ace.
"You're going to be on best behavior." mutters Lukas knocking loudly.
"When am I not." Copper comments shortly putting a hand on her mouth seconds later.
"Yeah I'm super cool, You can expect nothing less." Ace says.
"Be quiet-" Lukas starts in a whisper.
"Hello, guests. Who might you be?" Asks a average women with long golden blonde hair, and mint green eyes, while wearing a white turtle neck sweater and tan jeans.
Lukas steps back from the door to get a better look of the women as Ace and Coppe stiffle a giggle, possibly because they didn't respect her already.
"Um..." Lukas looks at the roof of the porch for a minute. "We're your daughter's team, we've came to check up on her."
The woman nods slightly, "Well come in and make yourselves at home. I need to wait a while to escort you to Ivory."

Lukas stiffens, before shrugging and walking in followed by Copper and Ace. They all get situated on a sofa was Ivory's mother brings in tea.

"I'm dearly sorry for making you all wait." She mutters sitting a tray down on a coffee table in front of them, "I hope you understand that my husband and I aren't as bad as others apply us to be."
"It's understandable others hate what they do not have or undestand." Copper comments picking up the cup of tea and evaluating it.
"You are very correct," Ivory's mother smiles, "What are your names if you don't mind me asking."
Ace was still hung up on the vintage orchid colored wallpaper, since he lived in a log cabin his whole life.
Lukas clears his throat uncomfortable, "I'm Lukas Lavender as you may know from my father who worked for you," Lukas gestures to Copper and then Ace. "The fox is Copper, and the one staring at the walls is Ace."
Ivory's mother laughs, " Yes I knew your father, he was a very hard worker and employee. Anyways my name is Teresa, Teresa Cresent, my husband's name is Issac." She says. "I'll show you all to them in a few minutes which at right now it seems to be a 15 minute wait."
"I heard your last house was destroyed in a fire not too long ago... by any chance do you know who started it?" Copper asks in monotone.

Teresa thinks for a minute, "I believe it was a rouge temple women... possibly a few others." She softly smiles, "My husband might be able to live through his burns and poison digestion."
Lukas caught himself staring at Ivory's mom, they almost looked like they could be sisters, "How's Ivory doing on her transition?" he asks.
"Very well." Teresa says taking a sip of her tea, "She's the only child I have you know. All my others died to deformations."
Lukas raises his eyebrows.
"I'm glad she has such a wonderful team to look after her." Teresa's eyes flashed with something else as Ace gets up from the sofa.
"Ace sit-" Lukas starts.
"You have a very nice house." Ace comments, sitting back down with a grin "It's fit for royals I must say."
Teresa raises her eyebrows, "Yes I suppose it is."
They finish their tea just as a grandfather clock goes off.
"Time to introduce you. I'm warning you, do not give either of them a shock."
"I promise we won't disturb anything." Lukas says just as Ace trips on a rug.
Copper helps him up, "Sorry Teresa. He's never really used to different environments."
"It's fine, hey he's cute that's all that matters? Right?"
Copper tilts her head in question. Thats not why she liked Ace.
Teresa took them to a room holding two beds one with Issac and one with Ivory;

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