Chapter 3

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The party was a blast the boys kept throwing me in the water which pissed me off but it was so funny. We decided to hang out at this club later. I haven't talked to Blake in a while so I called him, "Hey babe." he said sleepily in the phone, "Hi Blake. I miss you."
"I miss you too. Wanna hang out tonight?"
"I'm hanging out with the guys tonight, wanna come?"
"Ri, baby. I don't like you getting so close to those boys."
"Blake are you saying I can't hang out with them?"
"No babe, I just don't want something to happen to us. I love you."
"I love you too. Nothing will happen. Okay?"
"Okay. Bye love." and he hung up. I was shocked to hear that he basically didn't trust me. I texted Emma to see what she would say.
To : EmmaTheQueen👑
hey girl! blake basically told me he didn't trust me around kian & jc.😒
From : EmmaTheQueen👑
gurlllll, he trusts you its the boys he dont trust.
To : EmmaTheQueen👑
ur probably right😊 thanks em, love u💘
From : EmmaTheQueen👑
love you too bbg💙 After that i clicked off my phone & headed to the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower & got dressed. Wearing a little black dress & black heels. I put my hair in a donut bun & applied heavy makeup. I looked good. My curves were amazing & my eyebrows were on fleek. I grabbed my phone & keys. I headed to my car & went to the club. I walked in & instantly saw Jc at the bar talking to some girl I headed over & felt a pang of jealousy when i saw her kiss him. "Hey Jc." i said obviously annoyed.
"Hey Rielly. This is my friend Jenn."
"Hi!" the Jenn girl said obviously way too perky.
"Hello." I said back. "Im gonna go surprise Blake I'll be back." I walked over & saw Blake making out with some blonde chick. My heart sank. He was way into it. I headed out the door with tears streaming down my cheeks. I heard Kian call my name but I didnt stop. I ran to my house not even bothering with my car.

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