Chapter 20

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Why is she mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong. It's probably just her depression. I'll give her time to calm down.

That night at the hospital with Ruby was amazing we cuddled & watched disney movies singing along to every song. My leg, arm, & ribs hurt still pretty bad. My ribs are sore which is okay, but my leg & arm are broken. Damn I need a pain killer.

I'm so glad I decided to go on tour with Sam. Its been amazing. I honestly love it so much. I could not ask for a better experience to travel the world.

I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself. Why am I such a fuck up? Did I really just get mad at Jc for his depression. Damn Rielly you need something to calm your nerves. I went into the bathroom digging out my pain killers from when I broke my hand in 3 places. I had 23 pills. That should be enough to kill me right. I texted Jc & said...
To : Fucker😒💘
I love you so much jc. I'm sorry.😘😓
From : Fucker😒💘
I love you too rielly💙💙 its okay.
& with that I downed the pills & 2 glasses of water. I crawled into bed & fell in a deep sleep...

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