Chapter 12: Complete Submission

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The newly transformed Kesi struggled with the unpredictable nature of the powered-up device. As the pistons fired and the gas built up its charge, she confidently aimed the device at the stone covering the entrance of the temple. However, when she pulled the trigger, the device recoiled with an unexpected force, catching Kesi off guard. The powerful kickback sent her sprawling backward, landing unceremoniously on her backside. In the process, the device slipped from her grasp, clattering to the ground beside her as a collective gasp echoed behind her. Neither Eliza nor Eria seemed unfazed but smiled encouragingly. As they both bent down at her side, offering a helping hand, Eliza made a smart remark that reminded Kesi of the woman she knew.

"Floor: one, KesiTech: zero. Looks like you've embraced the ground in a way only a true follower of the Goddess could. The divine art of falling with style, brought to you by KesiTech."

Kesi grabbed both Eliza and Eria's hands, allowing them to pull her up, while the crowd behind her chuckled at the comment. Gathering herself from the unexpected fall, Kesi swiftly recovered the device, its metallic surface cool against her grasp before commenting, "You didn't tell me I was getting a crash course in divine invitation. Maybe it's just something you save for the best of us?"

"If only you knew, KesiTech," said Eliza, gently shaking her head. "If only you knew."

More determined than ever, Kesi once again powered up the device. The metallic whir of the pistons echoed in her ears as a surge of energy reverberated through its bronze casing. When the power reached its peak, she braced herself, planting one hoof slightly behind her, then secured the device tight into her shoulder. The anticipated recoil jolted through her body, sending a sharp searing pain into her shoulder, but this time, she held firm. 

To her relief, a blinding beam of light and searing heat erupted from the crystalline core, striking the door with expert precision. The stone glowed fiery red under the assault, and Kesi could feel the intense heat radiating toward her. The long-narrowed focus of the beam melted through the stone, creating a hot, molten opening that glowed with an orange hue. With the hard part now finished, she deftly maneuvered the beam in a precise n-shape, ensuring both ends touched the floor, completing the intricate process. Afterwards, she released the trigger, powered down the device, and watched as steam vented from the rock.

Silence rocked the clearing. Its eeriness exacerbated the bated breath Kesi held firm. When no one said a word, Kesi walked up to the entrance and carefully put her hand on the door. She could feel heat coming off the edges, but that was nothing compared to the wind that the stagnant air inside the temple was currently sucking inside. A small part of her was telling her the temple had naturally sealed itself, creating a vacuum, but the voice inside was soft and distant. Instead, she took it as a symbol of the Goddess urging them on, and she pushed with all her might.

"Help her!" Eria's voice called from behind. In a matter of moments, Eliza was at her side, followed by many other hands. In their struggle against the ancient stone, she locked eyes with Eliza. As the two pushed with all their might against the grunts and groans of the crowd, Eliza softly whispered the sweetest words she had ever heard.

"You did this."

I did this, she repeated to herself.

Slowly, the stone started to teeter. When Kesi felt it give way, she quickly grabbed Eliza's arm, pulling the two of them back into the people behind her. The sudden push backward caught some of the family off guard, and as the stone fell, so did she, Eliza, and a few others. With a loud smack of the stone, Kesi once more found herself on the ground.

"Make that Floor: two, KesiTech: zero," Eliza teased.

Kesi rolled her eyes and stood up as the crowd around her erupted into cheers. This time, she helped Eliza to her feet, and when she did, Eliza surprised her by planting a quick kiss on Kesi's lips.

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