Chapter 14: The Love Sick Puppy

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It wasn't until well after midmorning Aurelia woke, still cradling her mother in her arms, the warmth of their bodies soothing her soul. A tenderness she hadn't felt in a long time enveloped her, and she cherished the fleeting moment. Knowing the moment wouldn't last, she moved cautiously not to disturb her mother's peaceful state, while allowing her senses to gently process the room's surroundings.

Gentle sounds of nature beckoned from the outside world. The rustling of leaves through a light breeze created a harmonious symphony that seeped through the walls, all the while attempting to find its way inside. In the room itself, stagnant air lingered, heavy with the scent of sickness. Aurelia thought the breeze might bring a breath of freshness to the room, but she wasn't ready to leave the comfort of a warm embrace. Instead, she furrowed her eyes on her mother's frail body, watching the form rise and fall with shallow breaths.

"Mother?" she whispered. Her mother didn't respond, not that she expected her to. In fact, Aurelia thought it was better that way. She had something she had to say. Given her mother's demented state, it seemed best she didn't actually burden the poor woman with her problems.

"I'm scared mom. So much is happening right now. I need someone to talk to. I need you, the you before the disease took you. I need you to hold me. I need you to be the one brushing my hair. I need you to tell me everything is going to be alright with Kesi. I need you to explain what's happening to me. To explain this power that's growing inside of me, because something tells me only you would understand. Most of all, I need you to be okay."

Tears started to weld in her eyes and she could feel herself losing composure. She attempted to say more, but just as the words formed on her lips, a sudden knock at the front door jarred her back from the wall of emotions welling up inside. Wondering who could be calling upon her, she shifted her gaze towards the bedroom door.

Maybe they'll go away, she thought, but the knocking persisted once again. Eventually, her head won out over the warm feeling of her mother's embrace. Carefully she removed herself, making sure not to disturb her mother's sleep. As she approached the door, a sense of unease settled over her. Just to be sure, she checked Kesi's room to find it was still empty, undisturbed by the events of the night before. Annoyed Kesi still wasn't home, she finally went to see what the fuss was about as the third set of knocks persisted. 

"Ms. Warbol?" asked a cheery female halfling who's chestnut curls bounced with the tilting of her head. There was a warmness to her eyes and freckled skin that Aurelia found disarming. Slowly, she lowered her guard, allowing her annoyance to fade; curious to their presence.

"Yes," she responded stepping outside and closing the door. They might not have been dangerous, but she still didn't want them to disturb her mother.

"Ms. Warbol, I'm sorry to obstinately call upon you, but my employer is insistent. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Darby Rivenberry. These are my associates Edgar and Adin," she said gesturing to the two human males behind her. "We have come to help you get ready for the evenings activities."

Aurelia was genuinely confused. She racked her brain for answers, but found herself coming up empty. "Evening activities?"

"The Liberation Day activities, ma'am," Darby's confusion mirroring her own. "I was under the impression you agreed to accompany Mr. Bidant to the celebration."

Suddenly, the conversation on the train flooded back to her and she could feel the two gold coins pressing in her pocket. Given everything that happened, it seemed like the conversation between her and Bidant had been a lifetime ago. Further yet, with everything that had changed, she felt as if there were more pressing matters than some celebration she almost never attended.

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