Chapter 15: Crinoline's Corner

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If something good was to come out of the chaos of the week, Aurelia was glad it was meeting Darby. The halfling might have been ten completions her junior, but buried deep in her hazel eyes was a kinship she was starting to appreciate. As much as she loved her friendship with Xara, much like her daughter, Xara's intellect made her different in a way Aurelia didn't understand. The two just didn't connect on an emotional or intellectual level. 

On the other hand, Darby was much like her. Both had an appreciation for hard work and dedication to those they loved. In this way, Aurelia saw Darby as a reflection of her own resilience and believed their shared characteristics would serve as the foundation of their new found friendship.

Now, as Aurelia and Darby walked side by side towards the docks, she casually listened to Darby talk about all the happenings of the orphanage since she had started working there. Occasionally, when Aurelia was still talking to Kesi, she would get some similar snippets of the younglings, but in the last few months, those had become non-existent. At the moment, Darby was going on about a toddling that had managed to get its head stuck in a snack jar, until they turned the corner towards the docks. The sight of it took her breath away.

The docks were abuzz with anticipation for the Liberation Day celebration. Banners and ribbons adorned the rustic buildings, weaving a colorful tapestry through the air. Flags of green and brown carried the mountain image of Asha joined together with the blue and gold cogs of Goldendale, each fluttering in the breeze carried on the back of the ocean current.

The town square, typically a gathering used to exchange goods and services, had transformed into a lively spectacle. Intricately designed gas lamps hung from above, ready to cast their warm amber hues on the gathered crowd below once the sun set for the day. Steam-powered contraptions modified to serve various purposes lined the square, from mechanized musicians playing lively tunes to intricate clockwork animals parading in procession. Large groups of people gathered to take part in the activities, festively decked out in goggles, gears, and leathered accessories, giving them distinctive and unified looks among the crowds that ate, drank, and danced to the feast and the music around them.

Next to the square stood a magnificent platform, the centerpiece for the town's celebration. Constructed from repurposed gears, polished brass, and intricately designed ironwork, Aurelia thought the elevated platform exuded a sense of grandeur. At its peak sat a large podium crafted from reclaimed wood, adorned with ornate carvings from what she assumed was the town's history. Finding herself being drawn towards its intricate carvings, she started to head in its direction, but found herself being pulled the other way. Confused, she looked down at Darby who had managed to grab her elbow without missing a beat.

"When we finally got his head out of the jar, you better believe not a single cookie remained inside. You would have thought he intentionally kept it fixed in place by the look he gave us and I wasn't entirely sure he didn't. It wasn't until his first teenage completion when I finally learned the truth."

Aurelia couldn't help but chuckle at Darby's anecdote, as they arrived at their destination: a clothing shop. Nestled between a jewelry store and a millinery, Aurelia found herself standing before two arched windows adorned with delicate lace curtains that were tied back in neat buns. On either side, green vines made their way up and down, burrowing themselves deep within the brick. To complete its exterior facade was a strong red door, proudly greeting them as if it was welcoming them back from a long journey with its brass sign.

"Crinoline's Corner?" Aurelia asked brow furrowed in confusion. It was a strange name to be sure.

"She thinks its clever," Darby responded letting go of her elbow. With a gentle push of the door. She walked in before whispering, "If she brings it up, make sure to laugh."

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