Thank You

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Dear Reader,

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for reading my book. Before writing 'The Call of the Beachwick' I thought I was done with my time as an author. I thought I had said everything I was going to say when writing about its history as seen through the eyes of Thepa in 'The Matriarch's Daughter' trilogy. However, as many of you have come to experience, it's hard to put the pen down. As much as we hate to see the ending of a good book, we hate to see the stories that live inside of us die. It is times like these when we write those final words on the last pages our minds struggle to cope about a future without our characters.

In December 12, 2024 I was playing a game of Magic the Gathering with my best friend. I had been telling him about the ending of 'The Matriarch's Daughter' and he asked me what's next. What happens to Thepa and all the others?

"Well," I pondered playing my next card. "I guess they get their happily ever after."

He looked at the card I had played and groaned in frustration. "But you've changed everyone's lives. Surely there are consequences for that. You've even said so in your book. Actions have consequences. What happens to the Beachwick? Won't they need a new hero? Won't the Warbol family have to answer the call again?"

I turned some of my cards sideways tapped and attacking, including the one I had just played. "Maybe. But I don't know who could replace Thepa."

"I scoop," said my friend conceding the game. "But I think you got it wrong. You're not replacing Thepa, you're upholding her legacy. What kind of legacy would Thepa leave behind?"

I picked up my cards and the last one I had played was the one on top. Its name sparked an idea in my head. I couldn't replace Thepa. I care about Thepa too much to ever replace her. Writing her small part in this story was kind of my way of saying goodbye to her, but I knew she would live on through a new spark.

"How about Aurelia?"

Thus, 'The Call of the Beachwick' was born. I have enjoyed writing it and look forward to continuing its journey. Please keep an eye out for its sequel coming soon:

Chain of Memories

JP Suchecki

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