Chapter Two - Oz

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Oz's POV

Freya's gone quiet. I'm sitting in the back of our rental car with her, watching her flip her phone over and over in her hands. She's staring out the window. Danville is gorgeous this time of year with fiery fall leaves covering the trees that line the streets. The houses have cream clapboard siding and brick columns with open driveways where my friends and I used to play as kids. I don't think Freya's seeing any of it though.

I've gone from worrying about the case to worrying about her. When River said where Maxwell's latest victim was, fear shocked through me. My parents are the softest, kindest people I know and I never wanted the darkness of my work to touch them. They didn't understand when I first said I wanted to join the FBI. I think they'd always assumed I'd end up in Silicon Valley writing apps, but I knew from the day I found the dark web aged fifteen that I needed to do something that mattered. The darker side of the internet is a place of nightmares. My job is like a single drop of good in a sea of horrors but at least it's something. I couldn't just do nothing.

My mom worries about me, but I've managed to distance my work life from them so much that finding out Maxwell was here, in my home town, was like crashing my two realities together.

The only good thing about work bringing us here is that I get to introduce Freya to my family. Except now I'm worried she's regretting asking to stay with us.

We turn into the gravel drive leading to my house. Mom's waiting on the wrap around porch out front. She hurries down the steps as we come to a stop. The guys hop out, but I place my hand on Freya's thigh before she can follow suit.

"Hey," I say in the privacy of the empty car. "If you've changed your mind, it's okay. You can go back to the hotel with the others."

Freya blinks. "What? No. Do you not want me to stay?"

"No, I want you to. You just seemed kind of worried." Some of the curls from Freya's braid have come loose and I tuck them back behind her ear.

She looks down at her phone and bites her lip.

"Freya?" I press.

She shakes her head. "It's just, I've never really done family time. I don't know what to expect or what I should do. Should I call your parents Mr and Mrs Reynold? Ma'am? Sir?"

I chuckle. "June and Doug will be just fine, and you don't need to do anything. My mom will fuss over you and my dad will try to rope you into a game of checkers." I curl my hand around her nape and guide her lips to mine. "They're going to love you."

"How do you know?" She murmurs, her breath brushing against my beard.

I almost say because they'll see how much I love you. But Freya's already feeling skittish, and I don't want to scare her away.

Someone raps their knuckles against the window. "Oscar Peter Reynolds, get out here and hug your ma!"

I laugh and shake my head. "Come on," I say, taking Freya's hand. "I'll introduce you." We climb out of the car, and I do as I'm told, resting my chin on my mom's head as she squeezes me tight. My mom is tiny and there's more gray to her hair than the last time I visited. I should come home more often. She pulls back and cups my face, giving me a quick inspection. "Have you been remembering to wear your glasses?"

"Yes, Mom," I say, like I'm still a kid and not a thirty-year-old man. After another quick squeeze that lets me know just how worried she's been, Mom turns to Freya.

Freya stiffens beside me. I place my hand on her lower back and rub my thumb up and down.

"You must be, Freya," Mom says, a warm smile creasing her round cheeks. "It's so lovely to meet you. It's about time this team got some girl power if you ask me."

I groan, my gaze rolling to the heavens.

Freya just grins. "Tell me about it."

Mom hooks her arm through Freya's and walks her towards the porch. "Come, let me show you into the house. I've just baked some cookies and if he knows what's good for him Doug, my dear old husband, will have refrained from eating all of them."

I hang back and watch them go into the house. A weight shrugs off my shoulders now I'm home and guilt niggles at me for staying away for so long. I love it here and pride swells in my chest at the thought of showing Freya off to my family.

Jude, Eli and River come up next to me. "Freya alright? She went kind of quiet in the car."

I nod. "I think so. This is new territory, but I think this will be good for her. Her childhood was messed up."

Jude claps a hand on my shoulder. "Your family is the best out there. We could probably all do with a quiet, normal evening."

"No FBI talk?" I ask.

River opens his mouth, but Jude cuts him off before he can object.

"One night, no FBI talk."

River sighs. "Fine."

My sister rockets towards the door from inside the house and catches herself on the doorframe. She pokes her head outside. "Oz, your girlfriend's cute and too good for you and if you're not inside in the next minute I'm stealing your cookie."

I snort. "Love you too, Layla." She disappears back inside. "Freya's not going to be able to stop thinking about the case," I warn the guys.

Jude steals Eli's hat and settles it on his head. "We'll just have to keep her distracted then," he says with a grin.

"Fine by me." I turn to face him and start walking backwards towards the house. "Just remember I'll be the one taking her to bed later."

Jude looks like a kicked puppy. Eli scowls at me and snatches his hat off Jude's head. River just shakes his head. 

I grin back at them. 

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