Chapter Fifteen - Freya

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Freya's POV

Jude gives me no air to breathe. I'm surviving off his kiss alone and there is nothing gentle about the way he devours me. He walks me backwards farther into the room without breaking the lock of our lips. He strips my jacket off and pulls my shirt over my head.

I catch glimpses of Oz watching with dark eyes from beside the door, but Jude demands my attention. He nips at my jaw and his hands drop to my thighs. The world tilts as he lifts me up, hooking my legs around his hips before we crash onto the bed.

I've never seen Jude like this. Never experienced this unleashed version of him.

"Jeans. Off. Now." He keeps kissing me around each word, stopping just long enough to give me the order, and pull off his hoodie and t-shirt, before diving right back in.

I squeeze my hands between us to undo my pants. My knuckles brush against his hardened length, straining against his zipper and Jude practically growls. The sound vibrates through me and my core spasms. I wriggle out of my jeans but apparently, I'm not moving fast enough because a sharp sting lights my ass as Jude rips off my panties.

The muscles in his arm flex as he bunches the thin black material up in his fist. A crazed, desperate look haunts his eyes and I'm suddenly not so sure about doing this. He's hurting and I want to talk to him, to look after him.

I push against his chest. "Jude, just wait a minute."

His eyes pierce into mine. "No," he says, the word clear and defiant.


"Open your mouth."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Why?"

He holds himself above me on one arm and dangles my panties from his other hand. "So I can gag you with these pretty little panties of yours."

I ignore the way my stomach flips and breathe in through my nose. Gagging me isn't exactly conducive to talking which is what I want to do right now. I work hard to keep my voice steady. "I know you're upset but that's not going to happen."

A dark glint flickers in Jude's eyes and he snarls. "Open. Your. Mouth."

I press my lips together and glare at him.

"I'm not in the mood for talking, Freya." When I don't relent, he sits up, pinning me beneath his legs. He cocks his head, the move somehow feline, like a panther preparing to pounce. "Babygirl, you're picking a really bad time to disobey me."

I twist my head to look for Oz's help, but Jude's hand flies up and grabs my jaw, forcing my gaze back to him. He uses his other hand to pinch my nose shut, cutting off my air. Still, I refuse to open my mouth. I grab onto his wrist, trying to dislodge his hold.

He just stares coldly down at me.

I buck beneath him, and we glare at each other until my vision starts to blur. I open my mouth on a gasp and Jude shoves the panties inside. I reach up to take them out, but he seals his palm over my lips.

"Oz," he says as I struggle.

The bed dips as Oz climbs onto the mattress behind me. He grabs my hands and locks my wrists together in his. Of course he'd take Jude's side. I try to dislodge the panties with my tongue to no avail.

Jude licks his lips. "Much better." His praise rumbles over me and I close my eyes as I'm lost in a shiver. I'm mad but I'm also incredibly turned on. It's frustrating how often those two things go together. I know the psychology of this, but I still have to remind myself that I don't need to hand in my feminist card just because I like being dominated in bed.

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