Naruto Returns

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine. That's the song Naruto sings. XD

Kyoko passed a bowl, "Just add a bit of lemon on top of it."

Naomi nodded, "Right!"

Sasuke entered the house and hollered, "I am back. You guys are working hard."

Sakura beamed, "Naruto - kun is returning home today. So, we are all excited."

Torune nodded beside her, "Though, you are no doubt the most excited."

The pinkette giggled on seeing Sasuke's cheeks turn pink at that and turned to help the girls with the cooking. She grinned on seeing Ino and Chouji put different types of blue coloured flowers around. Apparently, Naruto liked blue coloured flowers no matter what flower species it belonged to. It was a nice piece of information to know as they could decorate the place up according to Naruto's likes. Kyoko had even asked Ichiraku's to prepare hot piping fresh ramen for them, all from scratch. Sasuke disappeared into the kitchen and started helping with the preparations, it would be a large party considering their families and friends.

Sasuke, "Onee - san, Nee - chan, I will start setting the food in the serving cutlery."

Kyoko smiled at him, "Please do so."

Naomi was focused on her work but said, "Thank you, Sasuke - tan."

Konohamaru hollered from the door way, "Koko nee - chan, we are back. My friends are here too."

Moegi flushed looking at the Kunoichis who were working, "Hello Ino - senpai, Sakura - senpai, Kyoko - senpai and Naomi - senpai."

Udon, "Sorry for the intrusion."

Kyoko grinned, "I am really happy you made it. Go wash up first and then you can come help us decorate the desserts."

Moegi nodded, "Yes."

Udon's eyes were twinkling, "Your desserts are to die for, senpai."

Konohamaru, "Come on team. Let's go."

Tsunade looked up as her door opened with a bang, "Oi! ... Gaki!"

Naruto grinned, "I am back ~ Baa - chan."

Tsunade's left eyebrow twitched, "I am not old, brat."

Jiraiya laughed, "Been a long time hime."

Tsunade smirked at them, "Three years in fact. Welcome back Gaki, your friends and family missed you. In fact I believe they are waiting for you at home."

Naruto gave an innocent smile, "Oh yeah, I did mention I would return today. One way or another."

Jiraiya sweat dropped, 'More like you forced us to race back home on the back of the Nine tailed fox.'

Jiraiya watched his old teammate cuddle his blond sunshine of a Godson before finally letting him go. She ordered him to head to the hospital with a letter of reinstatement as one of the active healers. Naruto beamed and started to tell the older blond about the new blood transfusion seal and poison extraction seal. Tsunade's eyes gleamed as she went through the details that Naruto had written in a detailed book format. Tsunade had over the years spent whatever free time she had learning and tried to recreate all the techniques the brats had created. Some recreations were more successful than others which they do not speak of, though it did bring interesting development.

Naruto, "I am also working on a seal that can help regrow organs. It has worked on healing the slightly damaged organs but heavy damage is still a headache."

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