Akatsuki's headache!

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kakashi hummed as he checked the area where Gaara had last battled the two S - class nins according to the eye witnesses. From their accounts, the two shinobi who attacked Gaara were Deidara the mad bomber and Sasori the Doll Master. Kakashi then took out his Rinnengan and started to look at the area through that eye and saw the chakra residue left behind. The large amount made him give an impressed whistle and Kakashi started to use the Rinnengan to look through the chakra residue. The silver haired man had a rough idea of what happened in the fight and found a trace of chakra that led to the West side.

Kakashi hummed happily, "Found it."

Tachiba looked at where Kakashi was, "Hatake - san?"

Kakashi, "Let's return for now. I know which way they left. Pak - kun, could you take over tracking?"

Pak - kun appeared from a seal in his arms courtesy of Naruto, "Arf! You don't even have to ask. I want those special biscuits."

Kakashi chuckled, "I am sure Koko - tan has those biscuits with her."

Pak - kun nodded, "See ya!"

Tachiba, "That's the infamous Pak - kun?"

Kakashi chuckled, "Yes, let me guess, you heard those rumours about Pak - kun?"

Tachiba nodded, "Yes, I heard he was a powerful summon so.... "

Kakashi, "Rather than powerful I would say he is clever and cunning."

Kakashi started to head back to Suna planning out their new move while Tachiba was giving orders to his subordinates. Kakashi entered the hospital and headed directly to where Sasuke was helping create more anti - poison with the nurses. Naruto was in another room creating his medic based seals for Suna medics, Temari had apparently given him a contract with a tall order. Kyoko was with the patients making sure, read subtly threatening them to stay put. The last one made the silver haired Jounin giggle, his little Kunoichi may look cute and sweet but she was a demon when it came to health. Kakashi observed them for a while and after noticing Naruto had already fulfilled half of the order called them for a meeting.

Kyoko, "Sensei, I suppose you found something?"

Kakashi, "Correct, prepare yourselves we are heading out tomorrow."

Naruto, "Alright Sensei."

Sasuke, "I will pack up on as much anti - poison as possible. Though there is a strong possibility that Sasori will have other poisons."

Temari, "But wouldn't it be better to go as soon as possible?"

Tachiba sighed, "I understand your frustration Temari - hime, he is your baby brother. I have already ordered my subordinates to get ready and to increase the security."

Shikamaru nodded, "This will be the perfect time and chance for others to try and take advantage of Suna."

Kakashi, "You are correct. That is why we are going out early in the morning. It will be wiser to secure Suna first, that is what any leader would want."

Kyoko chuckled, "I think you mean, Gaara would be disappointed if Suna was left unprotected."

Temari mumbled, "That is true, Gaara has been working hard to make Suna better. He really likes your story, Aladdin where there is this super rich Kingdom called Agrabah."

Naruto pat her shoulder, "We will get Gaara onii - san back, Temari - aneki. Do not worry."

Temari, "When you guys say that, I feel like I can believe in miracles."

Kyoko in Naruto ShippudenWhere stories live. Discover now