Meeting at the Village

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kyoko, "Today is the day the leaders of the different villages arrive."

Naruto, "I am just happy we get to see Gaara - nii again. Little Shu - chan too."

Sasuke hummed while drinking his tea, "It should be interesting to observe everyone's reaction to a baby Shukaku. Everyone thinks Shukaku is taken by the Akatsuki so I wonder how they will react to a baby chakra beast."

Kyoko took a bite of her pocky, "It will be a double edged sword. Everyone thought Gaara was the first to survive an extraction."

Naruto took a cookie flavoured pocky from her, "Yeah, if they find out the chakra beast can have children they might try to sacrifice virgins to them again."

Sasuke paused mid sip, "Again? They did it before?"

Naruto nodded, "It was in one of the story books that nee - chan got me by bargaining with the merchants. It was a story about how a man made a deal with the Gyuki and in return his first daughter was given to the Gyuki."

Kyoko blinked, "The first mermaid was born through that, or rather the first shinobi who could breathe under water was born."

Sasuke paused, "Like that Isaribi kid?"

Naruto, "Yes, but like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, only one person was born with that ability. Isaribi is more like Tenzo - Sensei."

Kyoko, "Yup, I gotta go. Godaime - sama is waiting for me."

Naruto, "Have fun, nee - chan."

Sasuke, "If you need us."

Kyoko, "I will send a clone."

Kyoko headed to the Hokage tower where the meeting would take place and met with Tsunade. Tsunade looked up from her papers when she entered and motioned for her to take a seat. The Godaime then called for Shizune who appeared with a list of the visitors both VIPs and regular people. As Kyoko had expected on the VIP list were the Kazekage of Suna, Kiri, Kusa, she was not sure if Kumo or Iwa or Oto or even Ame would attend though. Kyoko always felt a bit uneasy about Ame and Oto, the clones she sent there had reported seeing the members of the Akatsuki. However the clones had not been able to get close to find out which members before they were disposed of.

Kyoko murmured, "Maybe I should make a different type."

Tsunade, "A different type of what?"

Kyoko, "Just a fleeting thought about a new jutsu."

Tsunade stared then sighed, "You know I really want to know how your brain works sometimes. You already created your own clone jutsu, healing jutsu, attack jutsu, figured out how to summon plants and created more than ten combo jutsus that require Shinobi to work together."

Kyoko, "Not my fault that chakra is so easy to mold and create new jutsus."

Tsunade, 'I am pretty sure you are the only one who thinks that way.'

Shikamaru who had joined them a while ago twitched, 'So troublesome!'

Tsunade, "Well, I hope you are ready then. We are going to be receiving them at the secured meeting area."

Shikamaru, "Understood Hokage - sama."

Kyoko, "Let's go."

The three of them left for the meeting area which was in another room and took their places as they waited for the rest of the leaders to join them for the first time after the War. The first to enter was the Kazekage of Suna with his siblings who nodded at them in respect then took their seats. After them, the Kazekage of the Mist entered followed by Haku and the Jinchuriki of the three tails. Kyoko was not expecting the Jinchuriki to appear but then again he did not look insane and seemed calm. The next to enter was the Kazekage of Kusa with his guards, he looked very miffed but did not say much aside from the required greeting. And much to her surprise the leader of Ame appeared with a blue haired woman and a red haired man who looked familiar.

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