Saving Gaara

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Naruto pointed, "Temari nee - chan, over there."

Temari, "I see them Naruto, hang on okay outoto. I am going to speed up."

Naruto held on to the large fan's wooden handle, "As fast as possible nee - chan. Shukaku - san may have put a lock on Gaara to keep his normal chakra inside but with his chakra suddenly out of Gaara's system... "

Temari gritted her teeth, "Gaara could be killed by a shock to his system."

Naruto nodded, "Yes. I am afraid so."

Temari growled under her breath then sped up the speed of their flight heading straight to Deidara. Naruto was honestly not just worried about Gaara but also about Kyoko, they had all seen the forest she created. To be honest, Naruto was really afraid for her safety, especially against shinobi like Orochimaru. Kyoko was already being targeted because of her new healing technique and now she just announced she could use Hashirama's wood technique too. Naruto sometimes really wanted to bundle her up and lock her away safe and sound from the rest of the world. Of course, Koko - nee would put him through hell training if he thought he actually had the strength to protect her, he would have to prove it.

Temari shouted, "Give my little brother back, you girly girl!"

Deidara (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ, "HUH????? Who are you calling a girl, un?"

Temari (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠), "Fine, you lunatic woman, give my little brother back to me."

Deidara, "I am a man you bitch!!!"

Temari (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠), "You are a guy? No way!"

Deidara was fuming, "Of course, I am a man! That's it, fusion bomb!"

While Temari distracted Deidara, Naruto moved to get Gaara out of the clay bird's claws. Naruto jumped from the fan onto the bird startling Deidara at the added weight but Temari kept him distracted with her attacks. The blond Akatsuki member was however very annoyed and dropped Gaara which prompted Naruto to jump after him and hold on. Deidara gave a smirk as he flew off while Temari cursed and flew after Naruto and Gaara in order to catch them. Kyuubi then appeared and used his chakra to form three tails that would land before Naruto and Gaara did, creating a cushion.

Temari, "Are you alright?"

Naruto, "Thanks to Kyuu, here."

Kyuubi, "We have company."

Temari stood in front of both boys protectively, "Who is there? Come out!"

Tobi appeared (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞, "So, the rumours Tobi heard were true. The Jinchuriki of Konoha really is close to the nine tailed beast."

Temari snarled, "Who are you? You know what it does not matter. Stay away from my little brothers."

Tobi moved from side to side very excitedly 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜, "How protective! Tobi is touched by the care Kunoichi - san is showing the two Jinchurikis. But only one of them is your real sibling not the other, so can Tobi have the other?"

Kyuubi, "Why do you smell like Madara Uchiha boy?"

Tobi jumped excitedly ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾, "The fox talked to Tobi. Tobi is so happy, Tobi is very happy."

Naruto (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠), "So, you are acquaintances with Uchiha Madara then. Sasuke will not be happy."

Temari, "Double tornado slash!"

Kyoko in Naruto ShippudenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang