Gaara was what?

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kyoko was not pouting, nope, "I wonder what happened for all of us to be summoned."

Kakashi pat her shoulder, "Something to do with one of the political relationships likely."

Sasuke, "But wouldn't it make more sense to give it to someone who is not a medic based shinobi but a inter relation based one?"

Kakashi, "Yes that is true but if other shinobi have better relations with those groups then it is given to them instead."

Naruto, "Oh! Jiraiya told me about this once. I wonder if it's Snow, Wave or Sand maybe?"

Sasuke sighed, "I hope it's not Daimyo though."

Kakashi, "Feeling protective are we?"

Sasuke growled, "I lost count how many times I had to tell them off."

Naruto scowled, "You told me about that in the letters. Nee - chan, please stay close to us."

Kyoko huffed, "Boys relax, I can take care of myself. If I really was that easy to claim I would be one of the concubines right now."

Kakashi, "True, true. Anyway, the Hatake clan would not allow just anyone to take one of our children."

Naruto snorted, "Neither will the Uzumaki but there's only three of us at the moment."

Sasuke, "Three? I thought it was just you and the red head. Karin Uzumaki, was it?"

Naruto grumbled, "Turns out one of Jiraiya's students, well he is an ex - student now is an Uzumaki too."

Kyoko was contemplative, "Oh! So he is an enemy?"

Naruto nodded looking sullen, "Mn, he is."

Kakashi pulled the sunshine child close, "Do not fret Naru - tan. If there is anyone who can change someone's mind, that's you three. You may not have noticed but the three of you changed Konoha."

Kyoko looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You mean all the practical health changes? That was based on common sense Sensei, but I see your point."

Sasuke nodded amused, "If nothing else works, I guess we could nag him."

Naruto smiled, "Thanks Sensei. I really appreciate it."

Kakashi ruffled his hair, "Let's go inside now. Tsunade - sama is waiting for us."

The blond Godaime was not having a great day, well to be more honest, she was not having a great evening. Naruto, her baby nephew had returned a day ago and Sasuke her stubborn, hot headed protege had finally accepted the title of Jounin. On top of that Kyoko - chan, Naruto and Sasuke's adopted Nee - chan had sent her, her favourite Tiramisu dessert rich in coffee and cream with espresso on the side. Of course, her luck was going a little too well, she really should have known fate was out to get her when things went smoothly for two days. Tsunade glared at the emergency letter that had reached them and really wished she could reach over and strangle the irritating kidnappers herself.

Kakashi announced, "We are here Hokage - sama."

Tsunade, "Come in Team seven."

Naruto, "Serious voice. Must be bad."

Kyoko, "What has happened Hokage - sama?"

Sasuke, "You would not call the whole team if it were not serious."

Tsunade nodded, "You are right it is very serious. The Kazekage of Suna was abducted in the early evening hours today. One of the seals you created for Kankuro alerted me before it went blank."

Kyoko in Naruto ShippudenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant