Chapter 02

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Scott Lang was definitely too trusting of a man, easily following Tony to the workshop. They chatted about the science underlying the time machine for a while. Scott, being an engineer in his own right, showcased a remarkable skill set. Of course, not on Tony's level, but more than enough to understand the fundamental ideas that they would employ when firing the machine. It became clear that Scott possessed the potential for a brilliant career in the engineering field.

Tony excelled at the art of misdirection, a true showman at heart. Up until now, he had maintained an air of friendliness and openness, describing how the particles would be of use in the upcoming endeavour. Throughout his explanation, Tony had been moving around his workshop, activating holograms here and tinkering with tools, creating that atmosphere of controlled chaos people seemed to be expecting of him.

Contrasting with Tony's dynamic movements, Scott remained seated on a stool at one of the tables, engrossed in absorbing information about data and projection. Unfazed, he didn't divert his attention even when Tony reached for a syringe he had prepared earlier. Scott remained unmoved as Tony stealthily approached from behind, and by the time he finally reacted, it was too late. The expert in deception had pulled off his manoeuvre with such grace that Scott was taken aback, betrayal in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Scott questioned, his hand instinctively reaching for the part of his neck where Tony had injected the needle seconds ago. "What was in there?"

Before Scott could utter more words, he collapsed from his seat, attempting to resist the unsettling effects of whatever Tony had administered.

"I'm sorry, Lang. It's not against you, believe it or not." Tony simply said, expressing remorse while watching the other man lose consciousness. "I'll do my best to give you a better life, that I promise you."

Carefully removing the particles from Scott's vest pocket, Tony placed them on his workshop table for later. Turning back to Scott, Tony had no intention of hurting the man, but couldn't afford the risk of Scott awakening before the reverse engineering process was complete. The delicate task at hand would require all his attention. Tony would not let Scott interfere between him and the mission he had given himself.

The Hulk resistant fortifications of the tower had not been installed in Tony's house in the woods, not even a regular cell. This was a family house. The Avengers and everything that came with them should never have stepped foot there. Tony didn't need it even now. Trusting in sturdy locks and Friday's ever-watchful eye, Tony considered these measures more than sufficient to keep Lang where he wouldn't be in Tony's way.

Even outside of the Ant-Man suit, Tony didn't underestimate Scott. Tony, ever the pragmatic genius, always learned from his past mistakes. A past incident where Scott had infiltrated the compound and made off with some of Tony's possessions had taught him to be cautious. Such a security breach would not happen again.

But in truth, Scott would not be confined to his luxury jail for very long. A guest room in Tony's house, where Lang was now situated, was outfitted with every conceivable luxury. With its luxurious furniture and cutting-edge facilities, it was a haven of comfort. In an effort to make the experience even better, Tony had thought ahead and provided drinks and snacks in the room, figuring that guests would want to eat. He could not know how long it would take for him to recreate the Pym particles. Lang would not come to harm under Tony's roof.

Following the aftermath of the Civil War, Tony had delved into a thorough examination of the remnants of the particles that lingered within the Iron Man suit. At that point, the traces weren't abundant enough for a complete recreation, and back then, that wasn't Tony's objective. The chaotic events unfolding around him at this moment in time had left him with limited time and opportunities to study them further. All the same, the analysis provided valuable insights that would prove immensely helpful now.

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