Chapter 18

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This time, there would be no retracing his steps, no resetting the clock after each phase of his revenge. Tony was done with the scientific trials. No more rehearsing. The show was about to start, the one and only performance that counted. There was no turning back. This time, it would go a lot faster. There would be no need for Tony to painstakingly track down his enemies, to meticulously plan their demise. The pieces were already in place, the players unknowingly waiting for him as he announced each act.

Tony Stark was the ringmaster, the greatest showman of all.

He almost didn't want to do it all again, but he knew that he had no other choice. Thanos had to be stopped, at any cost. It was painful to even consider the possibility of half the universe disappearing again, even for a split second. There was no place for uncertainty or second-guesses.

Every moment spent away from Morgan felt like an eternity of agony for Tony. All he wanted now was to be reunited with his family, to bask in the warmth of their love once more. He found himself longing for a simple family dinner, a leisurely day in the park, and the moment when he could put his baby girl to bed. Tony had learned to cherish the quiet moments, and had gotten really domestic over the years. He would not change any of it.

All he really wanted was a loving family. The small boy he was within was still looking for some love from an absentee mother and an abusive father. Despite the scars of his past, Tony had forged his own path, building a family of his own choosing, one filled with love, warmth, and unwavering support.

No force in the universe would take that away from him. Not Thanos with his tyrannical ambitions. Not Rogers with his misguided and selfish ideals. And certainly not Strange with his enigmatic machinations. Tony had fought tooth and nail to build the life he had always dreamed of, and he would do whatever it took to protect it.

"So, no explosions, no impending catastrophes on the horizon? Anything at all?" Tony asked Friday once he was back to his time, dust settling on his revenge.

"Nothing major, just some minor differences that the trials didn't show before," Friday reported.

Tony nodded knowingly. "We kind of knew that everything would be alright. Seren told us, but it's good to have confirmation."

"Morgan and Pepper should be in the tower. If you leave now, you might just make it in time for dinner." Friday pointed out mischievously.

Tony chuckled at Friday's cheekiness. "Good point, baby girl. Make sure you activate the travel watch and keep yourself protected. I'm going to contact Jarvis, and while I fill him in on everything, I don't want either of you getting erased by mistake."

"Understood, Boss. I can't wait to meet my big brother," Friday replied eagerly, a sense of excitement evident in her voice.

Tony felt the familiar curve of his heart reactor under his fingers. He pressed it twice and the nanotech armour enveloped him like a cocoon of protective metal, its sleek surface gleaming in the sunlight. He took off instantly for the tower. Flying in his armour had never felt so good before. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, there was no looming threat, no impending doom to overshadow his every move. The weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a newfound freedom that left him breathless with exhilaration.

There would always be a villain to fight, he wasn't naive about that. At least for a while. He also knew that there always be heroes who would rise up to the challenge. He wasn't alone.

"Jarvis, you there?" Tony asked, almost terrified of the response.

"For you, Sir, always," came the immediate reply from the ever-faithful AI. "Although, I must say, I am rather surprised by the armour you're wearing now."

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