Chapter 07

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The time machine really stood as a testament to Tony's ingenuity, probably one of the greatest inventions he had ever built. It allowed him to effortlessly transport essential materials to his house quite easily. Thanks to his studies in the future, Tony had been able to extend the radius of his bracelet. Everything he touched, no matter how big or small, would now travel with him. Now, Tony had access to all kinds of resources all around the world, the universe even.

He wasn't stealing anything though. Every piece of metal was obtained through legitimate means, purchased with the appropriate currency of the specific place and time he was in. Funnily enough, Tony was greatly helping the economy once again.

Technically speaking, taking the Vibranium before the nation of Wakanda even existed didn't qualify as theft. They would never realise what they had truly lost. Tony did not even take it all. Wakanda would still be able to progress as a technologically advanced nation, albeit at a slightly slower pace. In his mind, it was a rebalancing of the scales of progress. Such advancements were meant to be shared with humanity anyway.

"Baby girl! We're going to build ourselves a spaceship!" Tony declared with enthusiasm.

Tony had been smart about the whole thing. The raw materials had already been manipulated into the necessary shapes. Money could buy even the craziest demands. Now he was left with a giant set of Legos that just needed to be assembled nicely together. Although the process would take some time, it was also half the fun when embarking on such an ambitious project. He couldn't wait.

While building meticulously his own battleship, bittersweet memories of Peter kept returning. Tony couldn't shake the thoughts about the young idealistic man who should not have been the one to turn into dust. Of all people, Peter was innocent and pure. Why him?

Peter often talked about his best friend Ned and the Star Wars Death Star lego set they were building together. He was so enthusiastic about everything, it was endearing. Tony had not been a good mentor but he could still change everything. Tony missed the kid more than anything or anyone in the world. The time travel machine was truly a blessing. Once Tony completed the rest of his time-travel mission, he would make sure that Peter would be safe and sound with his family and friends. It gave Tony some sort of consolation, a reassurance that the young hero would have the chance to lead a life without the shadow of the impending threat that was Thanos. Tony envisioned a future where Peter could thrive, his infectious spirit illuminating the lives of those around him.

Changing the timeline also meant that Spiderman would never meet Iron Man. That wasn't important. Tony was fine to watch from afar if it meant for Peter to find his own path. He couldn't help but hope that, one way or the other, they would meet anyway.

This time around, Tony was determined to rewrite the story. It was a promise he had made to himself at the beginning of this adventure. Despite the short time they had spent together, the connection he had forged with Peter felt somehow like a father with his son kind of relationship. At that moment, Tony wasn't ready to step into a parental role, and he certainly hadn't been the best mentor to a budding superhero. The kid had grown on him pretty quickly.

Tony couldn't shake a pang of regret for all the times he had fallen short. That day, in the back of the limousine, he should have simply hugged Peter back. He should have shown him how much he really cared for him. People always said that they didn't know what they had until it was gone. Truth was that part of Tony knew what Peter meant to him. The genius just never imagined he would lose that so soon.

"I don't feel so good, Mr Stark."

Tony would never forget that moment. It really altered his perspective on relationships but also his perception of time itself. Now he had time at the tip of his fingers. The taste of revenge was undeniably sweet, fueling him every step of the way. Tony liked to believe that his motivations ran deeper than that, rooted in a desire to bring justice to the countless lives lost across the universe at the hands of Thanos.

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