Chapter 05

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Did he really need to eliminate Wanda Maximoff? Probably not. There was always another path, another way to achieve what needed to be done without resorting to such drastic measures. Did he want to kill her? Absolutely! Tony could not think of anything more satisfying than killing some of the Rogues. But there was a reluctance that bit him. Despite his iron-clad exterior, he had a soft heart and, perhaps, a misplaced sense of guilt.

An internal struggle raged within him as he was toying with the decision. Steve was always saying to whoever wanted to listen that Wanda was just a misguided kid. Perhaps, Tony had let Rogers influence him a little. Ultimately, Tony chose to extend a second chance to the Scarlet Witch. Or was it a third chance by this point? But really who was counting?

Tony planned to assassinate Thanos long before the Battle of New York. Loki, whatever had gotten him into the clutches of the Mad Titan in the first place, was not going to attack the city that never slept. The trickster would have no reason to come to Earth. He would never have the sceptre in the first place. The mind stone would remain far from Earth, and everyone would be better for it.

Wanda was driven by a deep-seated hatred due to her belief that one of Tony's bombs had claimed the lives of her parents. This resentment hovered like a shadow, shattering even more the unity of the team. Right after the Ultron incident, Steve had been adamant to have the witch in the rooster, even if it was at the cost of the Hulk and Iron Man. Tony initiated an investigation. He needed to know if he was responsible.

"I have looked into everything available. The internet, your database but also the Sokovian files." Friday told him. She was especially thorough being one of her first investigations. "There's no trace of a transaction between Stark Industries and that faction in Sokovia. I couldn't find any evidence placing Mr. Stane near the country. He appeared to favour Asia, Africa, and the Middle East for his dealings.."

Tony had always hoped that the bomb wasn't one of his. It would have been so illogical, not because he believed he was always innocent of things he was accused of, but because Stark Industries' strict quality control procedures. Their weapons were well-known for their efficacy, a reputation built on careful design and dependability. The fact that this particular bomb had failed struck Tony as impossible.

Fake SI bombs were unfortunately sold, pretending to be the real deal. To put a sticker on the side was not that difficult. But even if Wanda's parents had not been killed by one of his, someone in Sokovia had still bought a missile from an unknown source and mercilessly unleashed it upon a residential area.

Wanda would not be given powers by being experimented on. The woman despised him enough to volunteer for Hydra. Though without her magical abilities, she might be less of a direct threat, but she would still pose a threat to him. Tony made a resolute decision to spare Wanda altogether. Her parents needed to be kept safe. There were just two options. One, he could prevent the bombing and do something to protect the families in the vicinity. Secondly, he could simply extract the Maximoff from the warzone. One would be far easier than the other, but he didn't do things because they were simple, but because they were the right thing to do. Sparing the town it was then.

Finding out who ordered the bombing was a difficult task that required a time travel or two. Tony Stark had to count on the invaluable aid of his AI, Friday, to navigate the intricate threads of events. Tony couldn't help but tell from her tone that she was unhappy with his decision to spare Wanda. His baby girl had grown to be very vengeful. The AI was so much more than a tool, a series of code. She was his creation , an extension of himself but like any child, her mind was built through experiences. Although Tony knew he ought to say something to help her get over that side of herself, he just could not bring himself to care. The Avengers deserved what was coming. Karma could be a bitch sometimes.

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