Prologue: This Could be the Start of Something Big!

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My name is Duncan Baxter, and I didn't exactly have a very good childhood much you out there. You see, my mum had passed away not too long ago, leaving me with my father who later began abusing and even pinning the blame on me that my mother had died. Since then, my luck has kept going downhill due to my father constantly and critically crushing my self-esteem, whilst also yelling and screaming at me for no apparent reason.

But despite the constant abuse, there was still one thing that made me happy; and that was Pokémon. I was a major fan of the Pokémon franchise and the anime series. But the one Pokémon game and anime series that I loved a lot was the Sun and Moon game and anime series. Sometimes, I often wished to be in Pokémon as a way to escape my old. However, I wasn't prepared for the fact that my wish would eventually come true. So let's go back and see how this little adventure of mine all started...

It was just another warm summers day and everyone was enjoying themselves. Well, almost everyone. Me on the other hand, I was currently be shouted at by my father who was once again pinning the blame on me for my mum leaving yet again. I was currently covered bruises, blood splotches were all over my face, and I could barely stand up.

(Dad): Do you even realise what has happened?! I planned everything for you! And you and your mum are ruining it, why? Your mum passing away and you trying to prove that you're better than me?!

(Duncan): No. I just don't want to be your puppet anymore.

But my father just chuckled lightly and gave me a brutal punch between my ribs, causing me to have trouble breathing as I stumbled on the ground before I then started coughing up blood.

(Dad): You have enough already?! We've only just started!

He then forcefully took me by my hair and carried me off to my room and threw me on the ground with a thud.

(Dad): You know she would be still here, right?!

(Duncan): Stop blaming me! If I could choose, I would've never came to this world in the first place.


He kicked me in my head and started forcefully kicking me in my stomach. When he saw that I was almost dead, he finally stopped. My face was completely drenched in blood and I couldn't even move. My heart was beating very slowly and I beginning to lose consciousness.

(Dad): I tried Duncan, for sixteen whole years now, and you're still just the same worthless little boy.

He kicked me for the last time and left my room, leaving my now fully unconscious blood-soaked body lying there on the floor. As I lay on the floor, I felt a rather strange force overtake my body as multiple colours flashed in front of my face before all I could see was black.

Suddenly, my eyes jolted open and I found myself floating in a void-like world of sorts as I looked around.

Suddenly, my eyes jolted open and I found myself floating in a void-like world of sorts as I looked around

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