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Jay's P.O.V.

My friends had always told me that alcohol makes me 100x more flirty.

I didn't believe them of course, but now I had a reason to.

Amaya was a drunken mistake.

A drunken mistake that I was having a hard time forgetting about.

Especially because everywhere I went, she went.

It was like the universe was playing a sick joke on me.

I didn't even see Kennedy this often, and I regularly hooked up with her in a no strings attached kind of way.

This time, I went to the library to study. And of course she just had to be there.

Forgetting how Amaya felt was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Especially because I overheard her friends talking about it on the way to my favorite spot in the library.

"No she said that it was totally a drunken mistake, but it felt really good." Chloe said.

Chloe was insanely short, like maybe 5'1, but at the personality of an angry worker bee.

Her words also had the ability to give me a raging hard on.

Thank you so much Chloe.

"She has a total O face, and she's in such a good mood." Daniella said eating a pack of chips.

"Maybe I need Jay to blow my back out." Sierra said.

"Or maybe you should find someone else to do that for you." I said making my presence clear.

Sierra's cheeks turned bright red.

"Hey!" She said before turning around and speeding off into the library.

Chloe and Daniella burst out in laughter.

"How much of that did you hear?" Chloe asked.

I shrugged "All of it."

"Clearly, look at his dick. It's literally about to rip out of his pants." Daniella said making no attempt to hide her laughter.

"Oh my gosh, Amaya was right! It is really big." Chloe said literally staring daggers at my dick.

Now I could feel my cheeks burning red.

"On that note, I'll be going to study. Thank you so much for this."

It was 12:30 on a Sunday. I would study till and 2:45 and then go home and chill.

Realistically, I should study more but I don't feel like it.

Plus I'm only studying for English.

Amaya's P.O.V.

I had work at 3:30 today. I worked at a small boutique not too far away from campus.

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