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Something is wrong

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Something is wrong. Something is very wrong, in fact. I just can't do anything about it because it's spring break.

However, I can anticipate things becoming slightly more worse as Amaya's only ride back to Atlanta is none other than Jay.

With her car in the shop, and Millar still at his family's warehouse, her only option was Jay.

I would've loved to drive her, but it just doesn't make any sense for me to drive her to her family, and then drive back up to my family when she and Jay are literally neighbors.

I told her to text me if anything went wrong, and I'm yet to receive a text so..

Everything should be fine.


Consuming 90 pounds worth of hot molten lava would've been better than driving back home with Jay

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Consuming 90 pounds worth of hot molten lava would've been better than driving back home with Jay.

Especially after that very incorrect assumption he made last night.

I am not catching feelings. There are no feelings to be caught. Millar and I will sort everything out when we see each other again.

The words "INCOMING CALL: AUBREE" flashes across Jay's car screen.

I reach into my mini bag and pull out my earbuds. I would rather be ran over by a train than listen to the 2 of them engage in romantic conversations. Every time I do it feels like a part of my liver is being ripped out.

And still, I keep my music at a low volume just so I can eavesdrop.

A small smile blooms on his face, and he clicks accept.

"Hi Jay!" Aubree says attempting to sound sweet.

Call me biased, but I think she sounds like nails on a chalkboard right now.

"Hey Bree," Jay replies wearing a shit eating grin, "Have you made it back home yet?"

Bree lives in Texas. Why wouldn't she be home? That's a dumbass question to ask.

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