Cheesy Romance Movie

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Amaya's P.O.V.
2 months later.

These last 2 months have been pretty eventful for me.

It's been 2 months since Jay and I hooked up. 2 months since we decided to be friends again. 2 months of us hanging out like we did back in high school. 2 months since Danny and Sierra corned me about Jay, and about 2 months since Chloe and Nash got together.

Which brings us to where we are now.

"I don't see why you're making us go out to celebrate your 2 month anniversary." I argued.

"We just thought it would be best. Have you tried taking some Tylenol?" Chloe asked.

I felt like a bitch being upset at her because she's not even doing anything wrong, but when it feels like your stomach is being sliced up by 10 different ninja warriors and punched by a plethora of WWE fighters, it's really easy to get mad at everyone.

Especially when they're trying to get you to go out for their anniversary.

I took a deep breath. And not because I needed to calm myself down before I said anymore words to Chloe, even though I probably should, but because my cramps were so bad I had no idea what else to do.

"I'm sorry. I just can't go out, not in this state. The Ibuprofen I took isn't even working."

Chloe sighed, "It's okay, I understand. Do you want any of the girls to stay with you?"

There's no point. Everyone is already pregaming at Jay's apartment.

"No it's okay. I'll try to go to sleep, it's already 10 pm anyways. I hope you have a great time clubbing, babe." I said.

I was bummed out by the fact I wouldn't be able to go, but having some time to myself isn't bad.

I don't remember the last time I was alone actually.

My phone illuminated up with a text.

Millar: did you email the worksheet to her?

I groaned at both the message and pain.

I figured my annoyingly hot partner wouldn't do any of the work for this project, but he's been so strict about everything.

He's about 6'2 with tanned skin, dark chocolate eyes and the most perfect wavy hair that sits boyishly along his head.

He's also on the track team.

What can I say? I have a thing for guys who play sports. Specifically, track.

Me: not yet. period cramps are killing me. literally can't move.

Millar: I figured by the way you were twisting and turning in class, so I turned it in already 😂. Text me if you need me to bring you anything, baby.

Me: what did i say about calling me baby?

I had also spent the last 2 months mindlessly flirting with Millar.

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