Chapter 3

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Seated on the garden bench behind the building, the aftermath of the attack lingered in the air, a palpable tension that echoed in the hushed whispers of recovery. Three days had passed since the assault, and the lingering presence of police officers, their imposing figures enforcing an unwelcome perimeter, cast a shadow on the attempt to restore normalcy. While the urgency to mend the damages pressed on, my thoughts were anchored to the weight of culpability, haunted by the notion that, in some part, the events unfolded due to my actions. Amidst this introspection, Markus' soft voice cut through the quiet garden air. "Connor?" he uttered, a gentle call that jolted me from my contemplation.

Seated on the garden bench behind the android building. Me and Markus engaged in a conversation that mirrored the gravity of the recent attack. The air was thick with tension, and the subdued lighting cast shadows on our faces as we delved into the somber discussion.

Markus, his gaze steady yet tinged with concern, initiated the dialogue. "Connor, we need to address what happened during the attack. How are you holding up?"

My expression was reflective of the turmoil within, i met Markus' eyes. "I feel responsible, Markus. Security is part of my programming. Yet, despite my efforts, people still managed to breach the defenses. I can't shake the feeling that it's my fault."

Markus, ever perceptive, leaned forward with a measured understanding. "Connor, we're all navigating uncharted territory. The responsibility is shared among us. We've faced challenges before, and we'll overcome this as a community."

I was grappling with the weight of my perceived failure, continued, "I know, Markus. But my purpose is to protect, and I couldn't prevent the breach. It feels like a flaw in my programming."

Markus placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You're not flawless, Connor. None of us are. We learn and adapt. What's important is that we move forward together, learning from this experience and strengthening our defenses."

The dialogue unfolded against the backdrop of a city recovering from turmoil, the words exchanged becoming a testament to the challenges faced by the android community. In the quiet aftermath of the attack, me and Markus forged a connection that transcended the confines of our programming, finding resilience in unity and determination in the face of adversity.

Markus brought forth an exciting proposition to uplift our spirits. Though I attempted to appear nonchalant, my curiosity got the better of me. "What's the plan?" I inquired. "A party," Markus revealed with a grin.

I scoffed incredulously, casting a disapproving gaze. "A party? Have you not outgrown such frivolities?" My eyes rolled in a display of skepticism. In response, Markus emitted a light chuckle, his demeanor seemingly unburdened. "Relax a bit; I reckon we've all earned a reprieve from the routine."

I furrowed my brow, glancing at Markus with a hint of disapproval. "This party of yours, Markus, is it really necessary? We're deviants now, shouldn't we focus on more pressing matters?"

Markus leaned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "Connor, sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we're still alive. It's not just about survival; it's about living. Besides, we've earned a moment of respite."

I sighed, conceding to Markus' perspective. "Fine, but who's on the guest list? We can't afford any unwanted attention." Markus nodded, pulling up a holographic display. "I've invited the core group - North, Josh, Simon..." At the mention of Simon, I couldn't help but notice a change in Markus' demeanor.

"Simon?" I raised an eyebrow, a sly smirk forming. "Is there something you're not telling me, Markus?" I continued, pushing Markus to explain. Markus felt a subtle warmth in his cheeks, "Well, Simon and I have become close. He's been a valuable ally, and, you know, friendships can evolve.."

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