Chapter 9

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𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟺𝟷

Tᗯ : ᐯIOᒪᗴᑎᑕᗴ


Markus paced relentlessly, his clenched fist rubbing against the opposite hand in a display of agitated energy. Perched on the sofa, I observed the scene with a semblance of awkwardness, my gaze akin to that of a lost puppy seeking direction. "He should be here by now," Markus grunted, his voice filled with frustration as he continued to mutter to himself.

Attempting to offer a feeble suggestion, I mentioned the possibility of Josh waking up late, only to cringe at the unintended tone in my voice. Markus halted his pacing to confront me, his voice rising with an edge of exasperation. Simon's timely presence spared me from Markus' escalating tension, a simple pat on the shoulder serving as a pacifying gesture.

As Markus ranted about the significance of their previous night's discussion and the apparent disappearance of North and now Josh, I found myself looking into the void, suppressing a smile.

There was no remorse for my actions toward Josh; if anything, a hint of satisfaction lingered. The complexity of my emotions unfolded as I bit back the smile, acknowledging a peculiar enjoyment in the unexpected turn of events. However, a self-awareness prevailed, a silent assurance that such actions wouldn't become a pattern.

The perplexity that gnawed at me stemmed not from mistaking Josh for North, reminiscent of my misjudgment with Luther and Hank, but from the inherent complexity within my system and programming. I prided myself on distinguishing reality from artifice, yet the ease with which I confused individuals left me questioning my own cognitive directives.

It felt as though I were crafting my own set of instructions, straying from the precise parameters ingrained within me. A reliance on task completion governed my existence, offering a semblance of comfort. However, as I reflected on the inexplicable act of taking a life, I grappled with the disconcerting realization - what comfort could possibly be derived from the unsettling path of destruction I had chosen?


𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟺𝟷


Returning to my room post-Markus' mandated meeting, the absence of North and Josh prompted Markus to consider installing security cameras within the premises. The purpose? Uncover their activities or perhaps locate an android witness.

Despite the potential benefits, Connor vehemently opposed the idea, citing privacy concerns. He argued that even if the cameras were confined to the hallways, privacy invasion remained a valid consideration.

As the meeting concluded and everyone dispersed, I distinctly recall the jolt of surprise coursing through me when Markus gently laid his hand on my wrist, halting my departure.

My LED emitted a vivid blue glow, and an unexpected surge of nervousness compelled me to turn back. "Simon," Markus's voice, soft yet magnetic, pulled me in. Attempting to appear composed, I faced him, arching a brow, though beneath the exterior, I teetered on the brink of excitement. "Would you meet me later? Outside, in the garden?"

My eyes widened in astonishment, barely affording myself a moment to catch my breath before eagerly agreeing. Exiting with an elated smile, the giddiness within me illuminated the rest of my day.

Returning to my room, I sank into my bed with a wide grin, finding myself oddly captivated. Cheesy as it may sound, I was undeniably hooked. Thoughts raced through my mind, concocting various scenarios for the impending garden rendezvous.

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