Chapter 7

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𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟺𝟷


I stood stoically over the lifeless form, my LED flashing an ominous red, a stark contrast to the cold and detached demeanor that had settled upon me. Trembling hands, stained with the haunting blue liquid, betrayed the artificiality of my composed facade. "I'm sorry it had to be this way," i spoke, the words resonating with a chilling coldness, my voice stripped of any semblance of humanity. In that solemn moment, the once meticulous android detective seemed to embody an unsettling fusion of machine logic and the haunting echoes of a choice that had irreversibly altered the course of my synthetic existence.


𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟷𝟸𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟺𝟷


Seated in the lounge, my gaze fixed on Kara and Luther, their animated conversation hinting at shared enthusiasm. Amidst their discussion, the absence of the little girl, Alice, briefly puzzled me until I spied her engaged in conversation with another petite android. An unexpected swell of emotion flickered within me - a twinge of envy as I acknowledged the childhood experience I would eternally remain estranged from. It stirred a yearning, a fleeting desire to comprehend the elusive tapestry of what a genuine childhood might feel like, the notion wrapped in a wistful haze of nostalgic longing.

In the recesses of Connor's memory banks, a vivid recollection emerged like an unwelcome specter. He remembered the moment with haunting clarity-the decision to let Kara and Alice run onto the dangerous road, an act in stark defiance of his programmed directives.

The image of their fleeing figures, bathed in the eerie glow of artificial streetlights, lingered as a testament to the unexpected deviation he had allowed. The weight of the choice, the deliberate compromise of protocol, hung over him like an unresolved anomaly, a dissonant chord in the otherwise symphonic precision of his decision-making.

As he replayed the scene, the echoes of that divergent choice resonated, a haunting reminder of the unpredictable crossroads where machine logic collided with the enigma of human compassion.

"Connor, right?" A deep voice resonated from above, prompting me to shift my gaze toward the source. Initially, I registered Hank, but a blink clarified the mistake - it was Luther. His figure stood with a slight awkwardness as my delayed response hung in the air.

"That is your name, isn't it?" he inquired, and I nodded, offering a small smile. "Need something?" I asked, tilting my head. Luther settled down beside me with a candid observation, "Well, you seemed kind of lonely over here while everyone else is socializing." I met his gaze with a subtle acknowledgment. "I'm not much of a socializing person...sometimes."

Luther settled beside me, the hum of activity in the background as deviants interacted in various ways. "Connor," he began, "I have noticed you prefer solitude. Is that by design, or have you always been this way?"

My gaze was thoughtful and I replied, "I think it's part of my design to focus on the mission and remain efficient. Socializing, while valuable, can be a distraction."

Luther nodded in understanding. "Efficiency is crucial, especially in our circumstances. But there's more to life than just fulfilling directives. Have you ever considered the benefits of connecting with others, sharing experiences?"

I hesitated, the internal struggle evident. "I see the value in it, Luther. Humans thrive on social interaction. But for me, it's challenging. I lack the inherent understanding of emotions and social nuances that humans possess."

| CORRUPT |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora